Im sorry Darling -Draco

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Currently the second challenge of the triwizard tournament was taking place
You hadn't gone because you had a MASSIVE head ache
Or well you had
When it had stopped you thought about going to see how Cedric (your boyfriend) had done but you decided it was a waste of time since by the time you were on your way there he would already be halfway back
You stayed in your dorm and read for a while until you heard the door open and in walked in Cedric Diggory
He was heavily shivering and his lips were purple
Y/n: what happened?
C: th- the water was freezing
C: I can b-barely walk
Y/n: come here
You opened your arms and Cedric climbed into them
C: thank you
You covered both of you with a thick blanket and wrapped your arms around Ced
He nuzzled into your neck and stayed there for a bit
Y/n: you're so cold
C: I'm aware darling
Y/n: your hair is also cold
C: I'm sorry
C: but I really need cuddles right now
Y/n: ok bubs
C: you're my everything
He pecked your lips
Y/n: you're so sweet
He laid his head back down for a while
Y/n: are you still cold?
C: mhm
Y/n: I'll be right back
The one thing that gets you warm even in the coldest days is a nice hot cup of coffee so you got him one and brought it to him
He was completely covered in blankets from head to toe
Y/n: ced?
Y/n: I got you coffee
Cedric took his head out from under the blankets and looked at you
C: ooo
C: thank you princess
You handed him the mug and sat behind him and dried his hair with a blow dryer
After his hair was nice and dry you played around with it for a bit until Cedric finished his coffee
When he finished it, he turned around and climbed into your arms
His lips weren't as purple anymore and he was barely shivering now
Y/n: so how did it go?
C: I got first place
He looked up at you with a proud smile in his face to see your reaction
Y/n: that's so cool!
Y/n: I'm so proud of you bebs
You kissed his head and hugged him
C: I can't believe I did it
C: I mean I knew I would finish fast but not that fast
Y/n: I'm sorry I couldn't go
Y/n: I had a head ache and I could barely get up
C: that's ok
C: I know you would've been there if you could
Y/n: I'm sure you're gonna win this tournament
C: thank you
C: I hope so
C: but for now Im cold and tired
C: so love your hero
C: go on
You both kinda giggled and you played with his hair a bit
C: Y/n?
Y/n: yeah?
C: my back hurts
C: could you maybe...
Y/n: yeah of course
He laid down facing down and you sat on his lower back and started massaging his shoulders and back
He groaned then sighed
C: that's the spot
C: you're so good at this
You kept massaging him and after a bit you wrapped your fingers around his neck and squeezed a little
C: not right now princess
C: I'm tired
You sighed
Y/n: fine
C: I love you
Y/n: I love you too
C: I can't wait for the last challenge
Y/n: I'm sure you can win it
C: if I do it's all gonna be thanks to you
C: imma dedicate my win to you
Y/n: aw thanks bubs
Y/n: you're the best
C: thank you
C: but it's all you
C: and my father is gonna be so proud of me
C: he's been sending me letters nonstop about how he thinks imma win
C: and that he's gonna be proud of me either way
C: but I need to win this for him
Y/n: you're such a sweethearted guy
Y/n: I'll love you either way
C: thank you
C: I would also give the cup to my father
C: I know he'll like it more than I would
Y/n: Cedric Diggory I don't know how I got so lucky with you
C: I don't know how I got so lucky with YOU
C: my world
~~time skip~~

The tension was tight
Who had won? Harry or Cedric?
As they appeared back all the teachers circled around them
The crowd started cheering and the band playing
You couldn't see too well but you saw harry hunched over something while sobbing
N: who won?
N: I think it was harry
Your heart stopped when you heard Amos cry
He managed to get through the crowd and went to where Harry and Ced were
A: that's my boy
He bent down in front of a body and that's when you put it all together
A: my boy
Y/n: NO
You ran to his body and bent down besides Amos
You shook his body around and got no response
Dumbledore came up to you and Amos
D: I'm terribly sorry for your loss
Y/n: No!
Y/n: he- he's not dead
Y/n: he's just sleeping
D: miss y/l/n we need to take him
D: we need to
Snape carried you away from the body while you were fighting to get near Ced
Y/n: NO
Amos came up to you and hugged you tight
A: I know it's hard
Y/n: I'm s-sorry
Y/n: he was such an amazing kid
A: he loved you very much
Y/n: he said he was gonna win this for you
Y/n: he wanted to make you proud
Y/n: but now...
Y/n: he's dead
You both cried together for about 10 minutes until Hagrid took you back to your dorm
After 2 hours of crying uncontrollably you heard a knock on your door
It was Harry
His eyes were red and puffy from crying
H: he- he wanted me to give you this
H: he said he was gonna give it to you after the tournament but....
Harry handed you a crewneck with Cedric's name on it and a small box
Inside the box was a necklace with a picture of you and Cedric together
Y/n: thank you Harry
Y/n: he really appreciated you
Y/n: and I'm sure he'd appreciate you doing this too
H: yeah...
You pulled harry into a hug and you both started sobbing
H: I'm sorry
H: I couldn't do anything
Y/n: it's alright harry
Y/n: it wasn't your fault
Y/n: would you like to come in?
H: I can't right now
H: I'm sorry
Y/n: it's ok
Y/n: thank you for coming by
H: mhm
He left and you sat down on the bed looking at the necklace
It was a picture of Cedric giving you a piggyback ride in front of the lake
Both of you were laughing hard and you couldn't help but cry at the memories
Your Cedric was gone forever...
And he died protecting Harry
Over the next few days life really seemed meaningless
At Cedric's funeral many people cried but not enough you thought
A Hufflepuff boy came up to you and gave you a journal
Hb: hey this was Cedric's
Hb: it says that if something happened to him to give it to you
Y/n: thank you
After the funeral you read it at your dorm and what it said brought you to tears once again

1st day of 2nd year:

There's this new student...
Merlin she's gorgeous
Her hair her eyes her everything is just amazing
And that smile
Oh how I love that smile
So shiny so white so perfect
I think her name is Y/n
I must talk to her
One day I will.

You flipped through some more pages and saw one from your one year anniversary

Me and Y/n's 1 year anniversary

I didn't think I'd actually make it this far
I mean she's perfect
How could she want to go out with me
I love love love love Y/n
I can't imagine what life would be without her
I would probably be dead if it wasn't for Y/n
She's my everything and I can't let anything happen to her
I need to protect her
She's gonna be the mother to my children one day just you watch
I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her

You shut the book closed
It was too hard reading that at the moment and you started crying again

I LOVE this oneshot ok???
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