"I can always marry one of the heirs to Germany or Ireland," I mockingly say shrugging. "I always did like potatoes."

"It's the only way to get them, you get one of Scarlet's stepmom's sons you'll be set for world peace. I mean it's not a bad idea."

"Until Callie gets old enough, I guess. By then we'd have taken over the globe." I say adding to the joke.

"One day you'll have to come into power through seizing parts of Europe, the how is the question, and why." She toasts her drink in the air.

"May the Phoenix rise, and burn her enemies' eyes."

We caught up as she gave me information from a huge binder, she made sure I put it in the safe before she left.

She also gave me letters to give to Callie in case they couldn't reunite one day.

If things can get as bad as they already are, we need to bring it. We need to be strategic.


"Next time you'll see me we'll be on our way to Italy, eating the best food ever!" I tell Callie before tickling her and hearing her laugh.

She looked just like her mom, who left this morning. She was apparently coming back to wherever Scarlet had her.

"You better bring me back something from Beijing!" She points to being the bossy ten-year-old that she is.

"Of course! I love you Caterpillar, don't drive Nina and Pedro too crazy!"

"I won't," she says loudly looking around, "Mikey will though." She whispered to me laughing. Mikey had been pulling pranks on Pedro and Nina. He spilled water on the floor and screamed Nina's water broke when she was out getting groceries with Ellie.

I hug her and laugh at her in response, shaking my head.

"I love you too Dory!" She says as I walk away I blow her a kiss.

"Aww you're such a sweet mother, maybe it's a sign." I feel Leo cuddle up to me kissing me on my cheek.

"You're gross." His sister Ames says popping in with Jamie.

"Hey Addie," she hugs me, "long time no L.A? That's cool. I'll be in New York with my best friend." She said suggestively her green eyes in mischief.

"Jasper is going to be a huge star." She smiles at me making me reminisce about our time in LA while we filmed that show with Liv.

"Anyways I hope my brother is treating you well, he's a dick but he can be sweet." She says playfully hitting Leo.

"Yeah, yeah whatever I'm ready to go," Jamie says tiredly.

"Thank you, Addie, for everything." She says smiling sadly. She was on the phone with Charlotte last night, she was coming back like she said she will.

I smile in response watching the girls leave.

"You're an amazing person, after all the pain you still give your best to everyone. I wish I could," Leo hugs me close to his chest.

"I still haven't forgotten about Vanessa's bitch ass and Mikey's mom coming with you." I hated them. It was like they are trying to make Leo forget me by spending more time with him.

This morning Victoria and Leo looked at baby pictures and reminisced about their lives. She did the same with Suho.

I never felt insecure but fit once I did.

I'm gross, damaged, and traumatized; they could never want me. They could never love me.

He told her I love you when they were young.

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