A Supernatural Christmas Carol

Start from the beginning

"Oh" Jody murmured. "Uh, okay. Got it. I'll leave you to your glass then."

Robin hung up the phone and downed another glass, followed by another and another until she lost count and passed out on the couch.

When Robin woke up it was around midnight. She'd been in a deep sleep and was woken by music. She knew the song, but it took her a second for it to register. "REO Speedwagon?" She muttered as she was about to get to her feet.

"Damn right REO" a voice came from across the room.

Robin got to her feet to see Jo walking around the table and fritzing out. "Jo" she asked?

"Hey Prude" she smiled at her.

"Are you actually here" Robin asked? "Or did I drink too much"?

"Can't it be both" Jo asked? "Look Rob, I'm here because you're not doing so hot."

"What are you talking about" Robin mocked. "I'm the picture of mental health."

"You did good when I died" Jo nodded to her. "Kept your promise, kept fighting."

"You made me" Robin nodded. "Good would not be the term I would use."

"Okay maybe I needed to nudge you" Jo shrugged. "But honey, you finally screwed Dean Winchester. By the way, how was that?".

"I don't kiss and tell" Robin scoffed.

"Still a Prude" Jo shook her head.

"Still a slut" Robin replied as she got to her feet and put her glass in the sink. "What are you doing here Jo?" She asked.

"It's pretty cliche actually" Jo explained. "I uh came to warn you. You're letting this Roman thing consume you."

"Yeah well the witch who ganked mom is the one who got away" Robin explained. "Roman doesn't get off so easy."

"But at what cost" Jo asked? "Now listen I get it. You're hurting, and you get to. But you're forgetting how to live here babe. Jody, Dean, Sam they care about you. Let them in, and for God's sake hit that again with Dean."

"I realize you're dead, but I still make the choices in my life" Robin snapped.

Jo let out a sigh, "I was afraid you'd say that. Okay. Tonight, you will be haunted by three spirits."

"Where are the remains" Robin asked?

"What" Jo replied?

"Well I could end this right now" Robin nodded.

"No" Jo shook her head. "It doesn't work like that. You can expect the first one when the clock tolls one -".

"Whoa whoa whoa hold up" Robin snapped. "Jo are you about to "Dickens" me?"

"What" Jo asked?

"Past, Present and Future" Robin nodded at her and thought for a second. "Holy shit, Dickens wrote it because it happened to him, didn't it?"

"I'm not allowed to talk about it" Jo argued.

"Oh you are loving this" Robin shook her head. " Every year you made me watch these movies. "Alastair Smyth is a treasure" " Robin mocked.

"Hey, I'm just the messenger" Jo snapped at her. "Sit down, shut up and enjoy the ride."

"Jo" Robin sighed. "I like sleep. Can't they all just come at once and get it over with?"

"For someone who watched those movies with me all those times, I can't believe you just asked that" Jo snapped at her. "I'm out of time. I miss you Prude but smarten the fuck up."

Robin SingerWhere stories live. Discover now