Kylie sucked in a sharp breath as someone stuck a needle in her arm. The Zibon placed the back of his hand upon her forehead, then turned her face from side to side, checking her over. Kylie was so weak she couldn't even lift her arms.

'Do you think you can stand?'

Kylie rolled open her eyes. 'Yeah ... I-I think so.' Grabbing at the sheet, she sat up. Instantly, her vision turned black.

When her eyes opened next, she was back on the floor. She was being lifted up on some kind of hovering stretcher.

'You should have called us earlier,' spoke the Zibon. 'My name is Reece by the way. I've replaced Miktar.'

'Oh. Is he all right?'

'Better than all right. He's bonded.'

They made sure to cover her safely with a sheet again as they made their way to the infirmary. Kylie tried to look behind her for Lew but she barely had the strength to turn her head. She felt her cheeks flush. How embarrassing! What must these aliens be thinking? She stared up at the Zibon walking by her side and when he turned to look back at her, she looked away, her cheeks burning more hotly still.

What would her mother think of this? Being sent to hospital because she couldn't stop having sex. She felt like an animal.

The infirmary was oddly empty and quiet.

'I feel sick,' Kylie told Reece as they prepared to help her into one of the beds.

'We'll fix that,' he told her.

'No. Embarrassed.' Clutching at her throat, she closed her eyes. 'I feel disgusting. How could this happen?'

Once nestled in bed, someone pulled up her blankets.

'The bond,' Reece said. 'It's different for everyone. And don't feel disgusting. Nobody thinks you are.'

Tears pricked Kylie's eyes at the warmth in his voice. 'Thank you.'

They started working on her. There was a sharp prick of a second needle. They hung up fluids. Placed her on monitors. They took blood and skin samples. It was only a short time before she started to feel so much better. She could move again. She hadn't noticed the deep throbbing behind her eyes until it was gone. Her mouth was no longer dry.

A medic brought over a tray of food. 'It would be best you eat something.'

Kylie picked up her fork, then looked up. They'd drawn the drapes around her so she couldn't see the rest of the infirmary. So she couldn't see Lew. She stared through the drape, squinting. She could hear movement. She thought she heard his deep voice. That familiar, searing pleasure zapped between her hipbones.


'Kylie?' came his voice.

Kylie dropped the fork. Before she knew it, she was on her feet and ripping open the curtain. A hand gripped her forearm. A Zibon medic stood over her.

'Let go.'

'You can't. You're still mending.'

'I feel fine. I feel perfect.'

She licked her lips as she stared towards Lew's bed across the room. She thought she could see the outlines of darkened figures behind the curtains. Movement. Lew. Her hips were on fire.

'We need some help over here!' came a voice.


Sitting up in bed, Lew was clutching his head in his hands.

'Keep control of yourself, Lew,' warned the medic as he fiddled with his intravenous line. 'You're still not well.'

'I know.' He dragged his hands down his face. He stared at the curtain as though his vision could pierce right through it. He could almost see her. He could certainly feel her. Like a throb through their bond. Like a throb through his cock.

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