Little companion

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Hinata's POV.

The sun was shining up high in the sky. Kiyoko and Dashi were slowly waking up.

"Good morning." Smiling I walked to them. Getting a soft good morning from both of them.

"Ar there still many zombies around the building?" I shrugged. "I didn't checked them this often. Let's see." I replayed to Kiyoko. We all went to look around. There were less zombies, but still many. "Well, we have to do something. We are not gonna stay here another night." Dashi was looking around.

I went around the roof for somehing to throw to distract the zombies. I found nothing. There was another small buiding besides this one. The gap between them was not big but not small either. About 3-4 metres. The gap looked not so big. Will I be able to jump to the other roof? Let's find out. It is, right now, our only way. 

Firstly I need to put my backpack down. 'Should I put it here or swing it on the other roof?' I suggested to myself. It would be good to leave it here, but to other it would be a burden to carry. Swinging on the other roof top it is. I swang it as hard as I can and threw it.

Good. It was on the other roof. Good thing The bottles are plastic.

I went to the opposite side of the roof to start the running. "What are you doing?" Asked Dashi. "Something crazy." That left Dashi confused. I got ready.

'Okay. On the count of three. 1..... 2...... and... 3' When I said three, I started running really fast. Adrenaline was working on me from fear. At the end of the roof I jumped as high as I can and as far as I can. 


Rolling and stopping. I was a little dizzy. My side hurted. I regined my focus, getting up, I was on the other building. I made it. Smiling I did a little victory dance. "Shou you okay!" I gave him a thumbs up. 

I putted on my backack. I went to look around the roof top. The buiding was longer, going all the way to the end I saw no ladder but a big trash cans. 'We could jump on it and down on the ground.'

Looking around if there are undead nearby. Well not really, they were all on the other building where Kiyoko and Dashi was or far away from this side. Well then let's go on with the plan. 

I made it back to them. Putting my finger on the lips and then signal them to do the same. They were both not sure. 

Third person's POV.

Kiyoko was first to move. Doing the same Hinata did with his backpack, but this time she threw it to hinata who caught it. Kiyoko was a track athlete. so it was kinda easier for he. She speed ran and jumped, getting to the other side of the roof top perfctly on her feet. Hinata made sounless clapping. Handing her the backpack back.

Next was Yamaguchi. He did the same with backpack, plus axe, like Kiyoko did.

He was nervous. He really was not great at jumping or running. He looked at others two. They were nodding and gesturing him he could do it. He ran and jumped.

He got to the other side but he faltered. As he was about to fall down the roof on his back to zombies. Yamaguchi felt something on his hands and was pulled forward making him stumble on his knees and others fell on their butts.

Yamaguchi made it with their help. He hugged them, thanking them. The both smiled back saying, that's what family does.

After hugging. Hinata said his plan to them. Making thier way to the trash cans. Hinata went first. He got on his knees, threw his legs down the roof and was only on his arms dangling. As silently as possible, he let go. Making loud noise, looking around he saw no zombie. He quickly gesture for others to do the same. Hinata helped them get down. 

They were finally on the ground. Looking around and walking the paths that had less zombies or none. Realizing they were lost. Not knowing which way to go back, they were so in to running from zombies yesterday, they got lost in the small city. 

Hinata's POV.

We were walking, runing, hiding from zombies, trying to get back to hotel. I thinks it's about lunch time by now. We need sleep and food. Walking, stomachs rumbling, eyes heavy, tired.

We stopped to look around, we were so tired. "We should check for a place to stay for now." Kiyoko stated, getting a nod in replay from Dashi and me. 

Looking for a good, safe house from zombies was taugh. Some had zombies, others were dirty from blood and many smashed things. Finding a house with open door, we walked in. It looked clean only some smashed things, but overly it was good. Looking around the house we found noone. 

I went back to the front door, closing it and locking it. Next thing I heard scratching. Somewhere on the bottom of the front door. My heart was racing so bad it felt like it would jump from my chest. With my shaking hands I took the axe and unlocked the door opening it. I was ready to swing it, but stopped at what I saw. A cat. My jaw dropped. No way. Okay, okay. Calm down heart, it's just a cat. The cat walked to the living room and sat down on the sofa. Closing the doors and locking them, I went to the cat. 

Must be it's the cat's home. Kiyoko and Dashi came to the living room. "This place looks okay for now." Kiyoko said. "I went to kitchen, there are food, not many, but still." They saw I didn't answered and looked at what I was looking. "What is a cat doing here?" Dashi first spoke. I told him how the cat got here. After telling the story, the cat meowed. Walking towards the cat I got on my kneens and, leting it sniff my hand. The cat was beautiful. It was black and had green eyes, that looked like gems. I petted the cat.

The cat had a collar with a small bell. Well a bell should be not a good choice right now. I took it off. The cat got on his back legs, front legs on my cheek, liking me. Maybe it was a thank you.

Petting a cat a few more times with others. we went to kitchen to eat. Of course the cat followed us.

We made food for us, Dashi found cat food and gave it to the cat. It must be the cat's home.

"I wonder what is the cats gender is." I said out loud.

"We can check." Kiyoko went to te cat, picking it up and checking it. "We have a boy here."

"How do you know?" Dashi asked. Kiyoko showed him. He got red and sat down. I was laughing at him. Then Kiyoko went to me and I stopped laughing. Now it was Kiyokos turn to laugh. 

"A friends mom showed how to check the cats gender." Me and Dashi made and oh sound.

We were eating, enjoying each other company with our little companion.

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