Visitors from the other side

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Just to some people who don't like mention of something disgusting or it will trigger them. I will put this s------- sign where it will start and  f------finish.


Okay on with the story.

Hinata's POV.

I couldn't wrap my head around, what we are seeing. Nobody could move. 

"How are we gonna get out?" The most nervous here was Dashi. "Can he even see us?" Kiyoko second asked. I shrugged my shoulder. I must look nervous and confused, staring at a two zombies, who were standing outside, staring at us. No one moved, it was a staring contest. Us vs. Zombies. 

Maybe moving to the other side would be a good idea to see if they follow us. I slowly began to move to my left side. My eyes were blown wide open. The zombies weren't following with their body, they followed me with their heads. "Can zombies even see?" They shrugged their shoulders.

"What do we do now? We can not go outside. We can not use guns, it will attract other zombies. Is there another way out?" Dashi was looking at zombies anxiously. 


They were really not a good sight to see, if you know what I mean. Blood vessels showing, almost black eyes, those claws and on top of that, instead of red blood flowing down their mouth or eyes it was black liquid. It looked disturbing. The flesh was showing from the wounds, it looked greenish yellow but also had some redness. The skin hung where the wounds were. Black blood ran down the skin. Some bones protrude upwards, some ribs, others from an arm or a leg. It looked very unpleasant. And so on I don't want to describe.


Yeah no one really wanted to deal with them. "They look like abnormal zombies, but these look more unpleasant and strange." Dashi stated. "Can they even go in through the doors?" I looked at Dashi with Kiyoko. "Can they?" I asked. "I don't know, let's check it out?" 

I looked at him like he grew another head. "Joking, joking." He surrendered. "Not funny, because if they can we are screwed." Kiyoko was holding her gun in her hand.

"You know when they are not looking at you guys, but at me it's even scarier." I made an unpleasant face. "Maybe you should guys check for another way out. I will stay here."

Without replay they slowly made their way out of the sight from the zombies. Well they didn't move their heads from me, it is even more scarier. I stood there for about I don't know how long, when one of the zombies started to move. IN MY DIRECTION! They laid their hands and head on the window. 

"This looks not creepy at all. Note the sarcasm." Mumbling under my breath. At that moment, someone put a hand on my shoulder. And you know what's next. Me screaming and alerting the two zombies. The one who was closer to me started to bash his head against the window and other punch the the glass with its fist.

Someone took my hand and start dragging me. I was so scared that I didn't notice how I was being climbed through the window. I was outside with others running away from the two abnormals. Who were chasing us and were getting closer, faster each second. Kiyoko stopped and got ready to shoot.


One zombie on the ground, but not too far away was another. Kiyoko started shooting him, but missed making bullets run out and attracting other zombies.

We started running and making turns and throwing stuff at the zombies. But no luck with that one abnormal. We made a turn and a dead end, only a ladder.

Kiyoko climbed first, I took the gun from Dashi and started shooting mostly at abnormal one, hitting him on the legs, making him crawl. "Come on Sho!" I started climbing the ladder, one zombie got my leg and tried to drag me down, I hitted his head really hard. It let go and I got away somehow. We ran further on the roof and looked around us.

Breathing heavily I got on my knees and my hand on my heart. That was so scary. Thank god we got out alive. We can still hear the zombies groaning and moaning, trying to get to us. As we sat down, we heard something. It was not over.

That one abnormal somehow got on the roof, I took the gun and tried shooting him. Oh no, no bullets. It was coming in my direction, the closest to him. As he was about to grab me, an axe went to his skull. And again and again and again. I picked my eyes up, Dashi. Getting up, hugging him from behind. "It's okay. I'm okay, calm down. I'm okay." He slowly calmed down and turned to me. He buried my face in his chest kissing my head.

I hugged him back stronger, proving him I am okay and safe. After calming down. We all looked around the roof and building to see if there was another zombie that came after us. Good thing there were only normal zombies. We are safe and unharmed for now.

Problem is we are on a roof, zombies around us and no way to get down. We are surrounded. We will now have to wait.




It was evening, sun was setting, zombies still waiting. Hungry and cold."Maybe we should wait till morning." Kiyoko was standing over us. "I will take firts watch, you guys go to sleep." We only nodded and laid down.




someone was shaking me. "Shou wake up. It's your time to watch. Shou, Shou." I opened my eyes. Dashi was smiling at me. "It's your turn. Come on get up." I got up, stretched and yawned. I saw him lay down and close his eyes saying night. I said night went to him and kissed his cheek. 

It was dark. I didn't realize we would get in this situation. This morning I felt much more better. Like I could jump more than I could, even if I slept on a cold hard roof. Right. Volleyball. I miss playing it. I miss spiking, when I hit the ball really hard it leaves a stinging sensation in my hand. Looking at my palm I felt myself smiling a sad smile. Just thinking of this, makes me cry.

I brush my tears away who were trying to spill from my eyes. Now that we are talking about others. Takeda-sensei must realize, we three are not at the hotel. Wonder if Ennoshita-san told him or he figured it out himself. Sensei must be freaking out and crying right now. More like from yesterday. I gave of an awkward chuckle to noone. We would get a lot of yelling when we get back.

Walking at the edge of the roof, looking at zombies. There were less than the last time. Hearing flapping sound, turned towards it. Crows looking in garbage for food. The food would be awesome. Well nothing to cry for right now. What we did wrong is didn't bring any water or food. Thinking we will get back the same day, but guess not.

Looking around, thinking about everything and nothing, the sun started to shine. The sunrise was calming and lovely, if only those damn zombies wouldn't be around the building, it would be more heavenly.

Right now I need to wait for others to wake up.

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