Similar but different

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*Still flashback*

Third person's POV.

Three half human-half zombies were near the house. They agreed to stay quiet until morning.

It was so boring for them. So Nishinoya and Tanaka decided to look around while Suga stayed near the house, guarding it. They were excited to surprise others, that they are alright and back.

Tanaka and Nishinoya went around the house, where terrace was. They walked further and saw another house not too far. About 2 minute walk. They walked along the path that led to the house.  The house is two-floor, it seemed nice and sturdy, clearly someone is living here. Tanaka went around the house from one side, Nishinoya from other side. Looking around Nishinoya noticed a truck car. Someone is here.

Tanaka smelled metalic blood smell mixed with something unrecognizable in the air. It smelled so strange and disgusting. He looked around. Nothing. He went to the door of the house. Slowly opening it, the smell became stronger. Nishinoya smelling the smell, went behind Tanaka. Blood. On the walls, floor, furniture. Things are scattered on the floor, broken. 

'Zombies' Both thought and looked at one another, nodding. Tanaka went in the middle of the house taking a cup and smashing it on the floor. Footsteps, groaning and someone falling from the second floor, another zombie didn't fell. It ran to the stairs and down the stairs staright to Tanaka. Both zombies on standing lunged at Tanaka. Nishinoya threw his fist to one of the zombies head and the head flew away in a wall, leaving a print in a wall. Tanaka swung his leg to zombie who looked strange. It was smarter and quicker.

The zombie ducked.

'It  fucking ducked!? What the heck!!' Tanaka's mind was running wild. Zombie pushed him on the floor and started to hit him an scratch him with his sharp nails. Tanaka tried defending himself, but damn this little shit is strong. Nishinoya took zombies head in his hands and twisted it pulling it of off the zombies bodie. The body fell on top of Tanaka, who pushed it off himself and stood up. Nishinoya held the head in his hands tuning over, the zombies face was facing him.

"What's wrong Noya-san? Throw it out." Tanaka said still shooked. Noya looked around for a light switch. He turned on the light and went back where he stood, near Tanaka.

"Look it's eyes. It's different." Noya turned the face to Tanaka, who flinched but still didn't turn away from the zombie's face. The zombies eyes blood vessels were not pink or red it was black, the pupils white and constricted. Blood vessels were showing from the cheeks. They looked at the bodie and it was the same.

Nishinoya went to other zombie, who looked normal. He motioned for Tanaka to pick up the head of another zombie. They began to compare the zombies heads.

"The second one looked smarted, faster and stronger, while the first was dumb, slow and weak." stated Noya. "Eyes are different, second have black vessels in it's eyes and bodie, pupils white and shrunken and the first one have red eyes, pupils are white and expanded." Tanaka finished.

"It looks abnormal." They finished. Especially when the second zombie ducked and started hitting Tanaka. Zombies don't duck and start hitting. They blindly run, bite or rip humns, not hit them.

They needed to tell Suga about this. 





After coming back and telling to Suga what happened. Said news were shocking. What they don't know is their eyes start to become more dark red asmost black and the hunger creeping little by little.

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