Incomprehensible thing

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Asahi's POV. *Flashback*

Daichi, coach-Ukai, Suga and me decided to search for others.

As I ran away from zombies I almost puked. There were so many who were eating other.

I ran in to school, knowing Hinata was there. I look around first floor but nothing, just zombies. There were too many of them, I won't be able to go further.

I ran outside and started to look around school. There were a couple of zombies, but they were busy or stuck. I heard a loud bang from somewhere above . So I looked up. Hinata was falling. As he fell and laid on the ground, I shouted his name.

"Hinata! Hinata!" I was besides him and shook him. He was not responding, I look up as zombies start to fall from the window. Quickly picking up Hinata bridal style, I ran to the gyms direction.

'Damn that was scarry.'

As I arrived there, I saw Daichi with Ennoshita and Tanaka. Good thing it's clear from zombies.

"Guys! Hinata is hurt!" They turned their heads really fast. You can even hear a snap sound.

"What happened?" Daichi checked Hinata for injuries.

"Oh my god! My kohai, open your eyes!" Tanaka exclaimed.

"Is he okay?" Looking worriedly at hinata while holding his hand Ennoshita asked.

"I don't know, I saw him falling from the second floor, I picked him up and quickly ran here from the zombies." 

"Okay, let's wait for the others for now." Daichi siad.

A couple of minutes later, Suga came with Nishinoya, Kiyoko and Yachi.

"Guys, I found them." pointed behind him, Nishinoya looked shaky but also brave, Kiyoko worried and Yachi horrified. "We tried going further to look for others, but too many zombies" Suga said and now noticing Hinata in my arms, who laid limply.

"What happened to Hinata?" Next thing Nishinoya, kiyoko and Yachi also were worried and stared to ask questions.

"What's wrong with my kohai?" Noya asked.

"H-He is not dead r-r-right??" Yachi started crying.

"Is he alright?" Kiyoko asked and comforted Yachi to maker her less stressed.

Daichi explained to them what happened and everyone calmed down, but still looked worried for Hinata. We were worriedly waiting right now for coach-Ukai. After that looked like passed 2 hours, but actually only 5 minutes. We heard footsteps, we turned to them and were ready to bold if zombies, but that was coach, sensei, Kageyama, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi.

"Okay is everyone here?" Asked coach looking at everyone. Then his eyes settled to me and Hinata in my arms.

"What happened to red?"

"He fell from the second floor and passed out." Quickly Daichi said. Ukai nodded and looked at everyone.

"We are missing two people."

"Where is Narita and Kinnoshita?" Suga asked.

"They were with me and Tanaka but we all got separated." Ennoshita explained.

"Dammit!" Ukai utter.

We decided to wait a little bit for them, but then we heard groaning, zombies. We were quiet and Ukai put his finger on the lips and pointed at direction we should go. Silently we left the school grounds. There were many zombies. We tried to be as quiet as possible. We walked for a good 40 minutes. When we found a hiding spot. It was a store. 

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