Chapter 46

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By L.M.Taurus

7/7/0029 UWC

2 days before headline

A band of howlers pulled up at the estate established by Lillian Danti in Haiti. There was a large crowd of civilians and reporters camped outside as the world military leaders and Mexico's president arrived to congratulate Lillian Danti for her help in taking down Dependency.

Inside of Delfina's howler were Esme, Fyn, Aracely and Delfina herself. "Impressive estate this Lillian has," said Delfina as she looked out at the mansion.

"Thank you for doing this for us," said Esme.

"I still think having me come to her is a show of weakness," said Delfina.

"We have to have the meeting at her place," said Esme. "We suspect she kidnapped a reporter and if we're going to find any evidence of that, we have to come to her home."

"I don't know why you think you'll find any evidence here. The reporter is probably dead."

"The reporter is still sending articles to the United Global. Did you see the puff piece that came out about Lillian Danti."

"Lillian is probably sending the articles herself."

"Then there should be evidence of that at her home. A forged letter."

"I still can't believe this woman is part of Dependency. She basically threw them away like simple trash. What was even her play?"

"I'm assuming her rise to power," said Fyn. "I wouldn't be surprised if she runs against you for president in your next election."

"The Mexican people would never vote for a foreigner."

"Even if that foreigner is famous for bringing down the terrorist group Dependency?"

Delfina grunted. "I see your point. Maybe you should just let me kill her right now. We can say she made an attempt on my life."

"That's not how we do things," said Esme.

"Shame," said Delfina. "You know how many problems you'd be able to solve if you just did that. Say what you want about Jacmel Saint, that man was on to something. Real shame I couldn't recruit him into my royal guard."

Esme and Fyn glared at Delfina.

"Oh right," said Delfina. "Your squadmate is in the hospital fighting for his life. My apologies, that must have sounded in poor taste."

"Let's just do this," said Esme as she exited the vehicle.

Everyone got out of their vehicles. Esme and Delfina brought a large group to the Lillian estate. All of Delfina's royal guards and Mexican soldiers were present. Her husband Andres was also present as he went to join Delfina side.

From the world military leaders who were present were Kara, Irma, Yelena, Cairo, Luan and Celeste, who was now wearing her world military armor. The world military soldiers surrounded the estate. There must have been hundreds of people gathered there.

Lillian had a fanbase since it seemed like she was the one who took down Dependency. She also provided shelter for the Haitians. In reality, Lillian's public persona had done more for the Haitian people than Delfina had.

The world military leaders gathered behind Delfina and her royal guards.

"Cairo, Irma, Luan and Celeste," said Esme. "I want you four to stay out here and make sure we don't get any unexpected guests. The rest of us will go meet Lillian Danti."

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