05 - 𝕻𝖔𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖓𝖊𝖗

Start from the beginning

At least Zacharias Smith made it bearable after he tumbled off his seat and rolled down the steps, which gave the kids something to talk about for the next half hour.

Astronomy with Professor Sharma - a dainty Indian woman, was by far Holly's favourite subject.

They spent an entire hour watching a rain of shooting stars on wide comfy blankets. The Professor made it a game where the first person to spot a shooting star and name a constellation would receive 5 house points.

It was no surprise that Holly collected most of the house points; she was on fire with back to back answers.

It was also no surprise that she quickly became Professor Sharma's favourite student (she had never met a student so eager to learn about dots in the sky), although that did save the others the pain of having to memorise all the constellations.

Padma Patil - one half of the Patil twins - had even asked her after class if she could teach her a bit more about Astronomy.

Her aunt and uncle were delighted to hear about the friends she's making, they said so in their letter that Friday morning.

She'd already made a few friends from both Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw- although some were still reluctant to befriend her; With the name she carries and the reputation with it, she wasn't at all surprised.

However, there was one house she hadn't made many acquaintances with.

All week, their classes had been with either Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. But so far, there's only been one class where Slytherin and Gryffindor are together. Potions with Professor Snape on Friday after breakfast.

Holly thinks it's probably because of the long lasting feud between the two houses, never in history has a Slytherin and a Gryffindor gotten along. They just don't.

So it came with a great deal of surprise when Professor Snape paired her up with Ronald Weasley, the very person who loathes Slytherin.

Professor Snape was this pale, hooked nose teacher with long, flat greasy hair. Holly got the impression he didn't like her very much from the very first time he set eyes on her, he reeked of hatred like Theo reeks of garlic.

Her assumption was only made stronger when he paired her up with Ron Weasley, he wouldn't even look at her as they brewed their cure for boils.

It wasn't a surprise that Ron didn't like her, but Holly likes to be liked. It might be her own fault, but she wouldn't be able to live if she didn't at least try to make Ron like her.

"How is Charlie?" Holly asked as she crushed the snake fangs in the pestle.

Ron perked up at his brother's name, he then gave her a suspicious one over. "How do you know about Charlie?"

"He was in the same year as my cousin, Nymphadora Tonks." Holly explained, Ron gave her an even more confused look. "He even came to my house once."

Ron shook his head. "Dunno," he shrugged.

"Well...?" Holly prodded. "How is he?"

Ron sighed and rested his cheek on his palm, he twirled a porcupine quill between his fingers. "In Romania, saving dragons and stuff."

"Huh," Holly hummed. "He did say he wanted to work with dragons."

"How come I've never heard of you?" Ron asked, his full attention turning to Holly.

Holly raised her eyebrows, "You sure you haven't heard of me?"

"You're with Malfoy, aren't you?" Ron inquired, though it sounded more like a sneer.

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