Jimin's someone

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Somewhere in KOREA

So David this is all about Mr Jeon's case

David:Yes sir.
**:But I don't know how to brief it to Mr Jeon, you know  both of them still remain in mystery its been 6 months David.
David:But sir...
**:Ok so this is all about...

**:Ok so this is all about

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Park Jimin

Our prime concern so he came  to Busan on 17/02/2022 for a camp which was organized globally for deep sea divers by AOC

On that time he was in Mumbai.

David:Yes sir
Sir: 1 and half months later exactly speaking on 30th of March evening 6:30 pm jimin went for his drill and gone missing his body is not yet found.
So death is not confirmed.

Before come to busan he was with Mr Felix one of there family friend.

David:Yes sir.
Sir:What about the girl.

David:Sir she still remain under cover.
Through our source it is confirmed that she was also in mumbai around sametime and left to busan.
But we could not get any information of her travel.

Sir:what you mean?
David: Sir from Jimin friend we came to know that the girl we are searching for has traveled to korea fews day before he raeched.
And from the given information we tried to figure out the girls details from passanger list but there were 77 of them which match with primary concept but after sorting it with our concept there were none.

We hope she must have traveled in a connected flight or may be traveled some where elsa.
Sir: David Have you confirmed both girl are same.

David: Yes sir the detail we collected from Mr Jeon, Felix and jimin's friend Peter points  to the same  person.

Sir: What more

David:From Peter we got an idea she came here as part some fashion show due to some resons he(jimin) was not ready to reveal  her details to him.
Sir: Is that something suspesious.
David :But sir Jimin's friend says as Jimin being quit popular that could be a reson for that.
Sir:Ok Then any thing else.

David: And from our enquire it is revealed the jimin has been in contact with 5 phone number particularly during his stay in Busan from which one was Mr Jeons and other was his secretary. Then from the other 3 one was Mr Peters and rest two are from DM groups.

Sir:What you mean?
David:Yes sir rest two number belong to DM group and from our enquire that number was take for the great fashion show which was held on 31st of March.

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