I let out a long sigh, trying not to think about it. "It doesn't matter. She's out of my life forever."

There is no chance I can run into her again, unless she is trailing us. I trust that Keo has it sorted, considering Noble's with actual power have been hunting him for centuries with no luck.

"You can change your mind about that," she says softly.

Mary doesn't mean it maliciously, she just hates seeing me suffer without a family. She has a wonderful one, and although they have welcomed me in before, we all know it isn't the same.

Strangely enough, I've never yearned for a family. I miss my father, but I've never concerned myself with no having a mother.

"Absoloutely not. You know how terrible of a mother she was. There is no chance I'll ever forgive her," I mutter, leaning back against the headboard, splaying my legs out in front of me.

Mary glances back at the door. "Maybe you should get back in touch with her. Then she can take out your mate, no questions asked."

I laugh a little. I probably would have considered it when Keo and I first met as a way to get out of his life.

Now...death is the last thing I want him to be subjected to.

"You have to get over your hatred for him," I tell her. "You're my best friend, you have to support my poor decisions."

Mary smiles, although I sense the apprehension between her cool blue eyes.

She has always picked good men, so I've never had the job of chasing them away from her. I imagine her mate is a wonderful, kind man who has no hidden darkness of secrets.

"You're forgetting that he's a terrible person," she mutters back blandly, picking at a loose thread on the duvet.

"He's been good to me," I assure her gently.

Her expression doesn't change. "Because you're his mate..."

I sigh, looking out through the window. I've purposefully left the curtains open and the lights in her dim so I can watch the snow drift lazily amongst the darkness, setting on the ridge of the window.

"He hasn't really brought up our mate bond since I found out. It's been months at this point," I murmur.

Both of us know it exists, and yet we go about our days as if it doesn't. We don't even acknowledge it, unless it's jokingly.

I know I should want it that way, but admittedly, it's hard.

"Really? I would have thought he would have seduced you by now." Mary flops down on her stomach, resting her chin on her hands.

I sit up a little straighter. "I'm sure he wants to...he's respecting my decision, is all."

"You don't sound certain," she notes, surveying my expression with an intensity only a best friend can muster.

My head knocks back against the soft headboard. "I don't know. His friend told me he hasn't had a lover in a long time. Maybe he doesn't want me like that."

"I bet he does. You're stunning, and even though I don't want to admit it, he's not so bad looking himself," she exclaims tiredly, as if it takes all her effort to say it.

I raise my brows. "Are you kidding? It's insane that someone can look like that."

She rolls her eyes. "Fine, he's hot. I concede."

I bit my lip, smothering the full intensity of my smile. It's far too easy to look at him and see a beautiful, sexy man who I want nothing more than to share a bed with.

It's much harder to remember who he really is...

"Maybe I should-"

Mary sits up in one swift movement, dark hair flying around her hair. "What! No way."

"Why not?" I pout. Of course she knows my intentions before I have even said anything. Am I that obvious?

"He's a bad person, you can't have sex with him," she snaps firmly, scolding me like I'm an errant child. I can't help but giggle, enticed by the thrill of wanting him even though I shouldn't.

"Doesn't that mean the sex will be better?"

Mary's mouth falls open. "Wow, you're officially lost your mind."

I clutch my stomach as I sink down into my pillow, unable to contain my laughter. My friend takes everything too seriously sometimes, although I suppose I'm only slightly making fun of her.

Part of it is kind of true...

"I'm just joking," I push her shoulder playfully, although she still stares me down knowingly. "He's my mate, it's going to happen some time, and even though I have my reservations about my future, why can't I have fun until I figure this all out?"

"It's going to screw with your perception and you know it," she mutters, not bothered if she is being harsh.

I definitely deserve her judgment, considering the way I'm thinking.

"You should let me be self-destructive more often," I grumble. I sound resigned, but my thoughts haven't subsided.

She shakes her head, eyes narrowed. "No chance. I'm your friend."

Giving her a hard look, I slip off the bed, reaching for my thin silk robe. I have an idea, and it's entirely innocent....

"I need to talk to him at least...to clarify what's happening between us," I tell Mary, shoving my feet into some slippers.

She jumps up, standing in front of the door. "I could always just clarify it for you."

I grab a hold of both her shoulders, shifting her to the side. "I'm not saying I should be with him or anything...I just want to talk."

She groans dramatically as I open the door, stepping out.

"Just don't sleep with him!"

I smile at her over my shoulder as I start off down the hallway. "I'll try not to."


Want more? You can read 10 chapters ahead on Radish!!

Want more? You can read 10 chapters ahead on Radish!!

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~Midika 💜🐼

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