Chapter One; The night of Fear

Start from the beginning

In a spiral of magic the girl disappeared as her laughter echoed all throughout this town, as the inhuman being was simply gone.

"Hmmm so the mightiest of us has returned, your power is a strong as ever Fiddlesticks, to think I could even feel your strength within my realm of dreams, oh well at least now the humans will know terror like the never had before."

The entity turned around to hundreds to possibly thousands of different humans who were all having their eyes closed dreaming such sweet dreams.

The creature went to a few before dragging their mind into a realm of darkness where they would be tortured by horrific nightmares.

As time went on, it was only for a short amount of time before they simply broke and their lives came to an end that very instant.

"Hm humans."

The creature of nightmares continue to float around this realm of dark oblivion snatching humans into these dreams where they would be tortured and if they ever died they would die within the real world, Because this is how he operates I mean he is the demon of nightmares after all You can expect him to play any differently.

In a tall mighty building overlooking a large area A man you're getting a cup of coffee could be seen sitting at his desk overlooking the area.

He didn't know why but a sickening dark feeling of fear began to crawl deep inside of him, he remembers this feeling all too well, the feeling of the ancient fears presence.

It had been some time since he's checked in on that location probably best to do so.

With a heavy sigh he rose, "I'll make arrangements tomorrow." The man spoke to himself as he left his office.

"Hmmm it has awakened."

"Seems so little lamb."

"I wonder how will this vessel of his fair in the long terms."

"Ahhh who cares, shouldn't we deal with it?"

"That is none of our concern deer wolf."

".... Lamb tell me, why do the humans try to hard to forget it's name? And yet they always they always fail."

"Humans are flawed like that, they try so hard to forget what they cannot understand, and yet they are always reminded of what they try to forget. It is just how humans are."


"What's wrong dear wolf? Are you sad?"

"I am little lamb."

"What does it feel like?"

"A long hunt with no kill."

The two where silent as they peered off into the eternal nothing.

"Will the others come back?"

"Those that do will wish they hadn't."

The duo continued to look across the forest and upon the form of Ruby Rose the newest vessel of the ancient fear.

"I wonder if she would give a good fight."

"Perhaps But I highly doubt it, not many can match our skill."

"That is true little Lamb."

Now noticing the four of them enter their home lamb and wolf disappeared, they would return in time because all must meet them, every God every being every mortal every living organism always meets the end, Just give it time all stories come to an end even those of Gods.

Or in this case ancient demons, But before a story can end it must begin and so a new story will be written within the grains of history. The story of how the ancient fear returned but not as people would expect.

For all can never expect fear to return the same way twice.

And that's how it shall be for now until the end of all.

There You haven't ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done I hope you all enjoyed it very much because holy s*** I had an absolute blast writing this chapter.

So you got to introduce to a lot of future characters one of them being a pair of my absolute favorites to anyone who knows who they are power to you to anyone who doesn't know Well I literally just said their names So have fun going on and researching about them and listening to their voice lines cuz holy s*** they're amazing.

Now moving on, Ruby and Fiddlesticks merging together, I hope you guys liked how I did this because it was either fiddlesticks forcefully took over her body which was a very high possibility what's be honest now or Ruby came across and almost dead fiddlesticks and somehow took his power which I felt like really wouldn't work too well so I just went with this route where the demon merges with her becoming what the hell they are now.

Also if you have some character suggestions you would like to have up here within this story let me know All the demons will most likely play a part because considering that this is the first of 10 being the very first king all the other demons will most likely react in some form So they're on their way don't worry about it.

Now if tou you excuse me I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving and I hope you all have a wonderful beautiful day because I sure as hell had one.

And remember...

Fid-dle-sticks End of Men.

Fid-dle-sticks first of ten!

Word count; 10117

DIO OUT!!!!!!

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