"Challenge accepted." She leapt at me before I could get my bearings, and I just barely raised my sword in time to block her blow.

My teeth rattled in my head as our swords clashed, neither one of us seemingly able to overpower the other. "When I kill you, it will bring me great pleasure in knowing I've finally killed all the Valkyries."

"What?" I was caught so off guard, I almost stopped fighting entirely.

She smiled again, an arrogant expression with traces of madness visible around the corners of the lips and the eyes. "You heard me. Where else would all these bones have come from?"

Oh my... The world seemed to spin around me as my eyes flicked down at the remains of my friends... my sisters. The Valkyries.

"You're the one who killed off The Valkyries?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes." She answered "Yes I am."



I sat bolt upright with a sheen of cold sweat clinging to my skin. "I'M UP!"

My breathing was just a step short of hyperventilation and I could feel my pulse pounding in my ears. My head whipped around as I tried to get my bearings.

I'm not in Helheim. I told myself as I pinched my arm to make sure I was awake. I'm not in The Mountain Hold. Where am I?

"Freyja, what in Valhalla?" A familiar voice asked from right beside me. A smile of relief crossed my face as Loki sat down on the edge of my bed.

No, not my bed. His bed.

Memories flooded back into my mind. Shape shifting. The unstoppable wave of exhaustion. Darkness descending upon me like a tidal wave.

"Loki." I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes. "What happened?"

There was a look of wild panic in his emerald eyes. "We were practicing magic," He summarized. "And you over did it and blacked out then you started screaming and writhing. I was partially convinced you were having a seizure."

"I remember the practicing part, but why do I feel like a giant was square dancing on my chest?"

My entire body was sore and I felt it every time I moved. He pressed his lips into a line. "It's part of the over exertion. It'll be fine by breakfast. Now what happened?"

"Just a nightmare." I said, a bit annoyed by the slight slur to my words.

He raised an eyebrow. "Past, present or future?"

"I'm..." I frowned. "I'm not exactly sure. It was more like someone visited me in my dream, if that makes sense."

Loki's face paled, if that was even possible. "A Dreamwalker?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"A rare form of mind magic that allows the user to control other people's dreams." He explained. "Who was it?"

"Her name was... it was..." I stammered, my mind racing. If she was Odin's firstborn and Loki didn't know it already, then he wouldn't hear it from me. There was a lot more at play here than I understood. "Hela, but that's all she gave me."

"Do you remember what happened in the dream?" He pressed, leaning a bit closer.

I gave him a partial truth. "We were in Helheim. I tried to read her mind and it burned, Loki. It hurt. Then we sword fought for a bit then I woke up."

Your Majesty - Loki x OCWhere stories live. Discover now