Part 3

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Ripple looked around. This was the spot Molly said they would meet at, and her friend was nowhere to be seen. She walked down the road, eventually finding a park bench, and sitting down.

"Ugh, where is she?" She groaned. "And she says I'm always late.."

Ripple pulled her phone out of her pocket and sent Molly a text message.

"Where are you?" She typed. "I'm at the pond."

Molly awoke with a jolt several minutes later. Ruby turned to face her.

"Oh, you're awake!" She said. "Don't be alarmed, but-"

"OF COURSE I'M ALARMED!" Interrupted Molly. "W-Where am I? W-Why am I tied up?"

"Like I said earlier, I need one of your whiskers, and you're going to give one to me."

"And what if I don't?"

"Then I will pluck out each and every single one, until you give consent." Said Ruby.

"Well get to plucking." Replied Molly. "You'll run out of whiskers eventually, and then I won't be able to give you any."

Ruby growled, and turned to the crystal ball.

"Now what do I do?" She asked. "She won't comply."

"Well you didn't have to kidnap her." Replied the ball. "Besides, I told you what you need to do, now I think I deserve another crawfish."

"What is that?" Asked Molly, looking at the crystal ball.

"Shut up, cat." Said Ruby.

"Is there someone inside that thing?"

"No!" Shouted Ruby.

"Yes." Said the ball.

"Look, that's besides the point. I need one of your whiskers, right now!"

"What's in it for me, skunk?"

"I won't kill you." Said Ruby.

"You kidnapped me! You'd probably kill me even if you got one of my whiskers!"

Ruby groaned, and facepalmed.

"I didn't want to have to resort to this.. Wait here." She said.


"I don't want you running off."

"I'm tied to a chair!" Shouted Molly as Ruby left the room.

As Ruby left the room, Molly suddenly remembered her phone was in her pocket. She waited until the coast was clear.

"Hey, Siri!" She said.

The phone beeped, letting her know that she was heard.

"Call the police!"

"Sorry, I don't have 'the police' in your contacts."

"Dangit. Text Ripple my location!"

No response.

"Hey Siri?" Said Molly, impatiently.

Her phone beeped again.

"Text Ripple my current location."

"Okay. Texting Ripple."

Ruby came back a few seconds later with her spell book, and a shiny rosegold pocket watch.

"W-What's that for?" Asked Molly.

Ruby opened her spell book, and held the pocket watch inches away from Molly's face.

"Are you kidding?"

"Shush." Said Ruby. "I'm reading."

She waved the pocket watch in front of Molly. Molly's eyes instinctively followed it, and she began to feel tired.

"W-Wha?.." She murmured, sleepily. "What are you doin'?.."

Ruby began reciting the spell from her book. Molly couldn't understand any of the words, but they seemed to take some sort of subconscious effect on her.

"eskuzabal sentitzen zara.. berekoigabea.. Zerbait eman nahi didazu.."

Molly kept staring at the watch.

"Zuk daukazun zerbait, ez dudana.." Said Ruby. "You are feeling very generous today.. You wish to give me something."

"I wish to give you something." Said Molly.

"Good." Said Ruby.

"My visa gift card number is.."

"What? No! I would like one of your whiskers.. please.."

"Your wish is my.."

The basement door suddenly flung open. Ruby turned around to face the intruder. Ripple stood there in shock, shining her phone flashlight into the room.

"Molly!" She shouted.

Molly didn't reply. Ruby had stopped swinging the watch, and Molly was staring into space.

"Look skunk, I don't know what your business is with my friend, but we can either do this the easy way, or the hard way." Said Ripple.

Ruby widened her stance.

"Come get some." She said.

Ripple immediately charged her, reeling her fist back, and preparing to strike.

"Oh Jesu-"

Ripple punched her directly in the face, and then shoved her out of the way. She immediately ran to Molly, and untied her from the chair.

"Come on, Molly!" She said. "Let's go!"

Molly didn't reply. Ruby began to get up. Ripple panicked, and picked Molly up, managing to carry her up the stairs and out the front door. She ran down the road with her friend laying on her shoulder. She could hear Ruby chasing her, but she didn't look back until she knew it was safe.

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