She only hummed, Michael taking a side glance that the General has yet to notice, "Thanks, but regardless..." she pulls up photos, "Miss Skadi, you talked of these Seaborne, and you seemed highly proficient in fighting them..."

Skadi only nodded, "Well at least you can answer... well, we need more data and information on these things," she goes into her pocket and even pulls out a pouch, gold currency, which hopefully was universal, "We can even hire you to stay alongside us and assist us."

The bounty hunter stayed silent, staring at the screen. Skadi stayed perfectly neutral on the outside. On the inside, she began to think and balance. Perhaps...

She looks at the screen and makes a gesture, "Fine... but payment" Skadi stopped when she saw the general raise a finger.

The general smiled, "...Will be arranged as long as you work with us."

With a shrug, the bounty hunter then nodded and silently eyed the computer.

Michael nudged her, "Looks like we'll be seeing each other more." Michael stood and walked away, Skadi silently, watched as the computer shut off. Smokton looking at her as she began to move her lips.

"...I guess so too."

"...what are these reports?" a hooded person questioned, a vaguely Spanish lining them. 

"I do not know... but what I do know is that it is vaguely in reference to the Extra-Terrestrials."

The hooded person lightly tilted, "Is that so...?"


With a hum, the hooded person produced a paper and wrote something. "Give this to the Capital..."

The person began to run off, the hooded looked up at the sky, and specifically towards the general direction of the sun, "... the Inquisition must know. Contact Irene, she can help us."

Columbian Union Capital Building

The government meeting was silent, for once.

The president had her hands cusped together, her little halo and features staying still, her halo staying a simple brightness.

Never had they expected in their lives, that a power from another planet would try and actively mention that they want to work with their nation. 

The president held her hand and looked up, the silence of the room slowly eating at everyone as she wondered, How are things going for them? The United States?

She then looked at her own government, her own people. She didn't feel so confident right now, not when a governor looked at her, "Madam President... what do we do now?"

United States Capitol Building

"To all invited guests of Mexico, please come forward." The Senator of Colorado called, the aforementioned group of people taking a seat in a designated section of the Continental Conference Room.

Seeing as they are now in their seats, the Colorado Senator stood, papers in his hands.

"We would like to know how the Act of Union is going in your own government," he walks up and paces in front of their seats, "it's been almost 3 decades in the making since it began, so I, on behalf of the United States and the Millions in Mexico who want it, would like to know how it's going." He stops infront of the group, waiting for their answer.

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