"Whatever." Blaire blurted stomping her little feet on the solid ground beneath, "I missed her."

"Well, I can give you five minutes to go see her. Gimme your bag. Go to her room, I'll wait here."

"She's not here, mom."

"What do you mean she's not here?"

Blaire looked back to the hallway of her school before she shrugged her shoulders while wearing the biggest pout her mom had ever seen, "She was absent from work yesterday and today too. I went to mommy Debbie's office but she wasn't there."

"Did you go to her classroom?"

"Yeah, but did not see her too."

"Do you know why she's absent?"

Blaire shook her head. It was so unusual of Debbie to be absent from her work. The brunette was the kind of woman who would give everything up for the things she loved doing - for years, she was the best con in the industry because she had given everything of herself onto it and that went the same with law school and teaching. Although the blonde never entirely understood Debbie's jaunt with her changing careers, she deeply knew that the brunette loved all of her careers and by loved, that meant there would never be an off from work if it was not an emergency. Lou looked back to the hallway and silently watched as the students flocked around. She knew she had to know why Debbie was not at school. So with a silent come on, she took Blaire's bag before reaching out to hold the kid's hand and together, they silently walked towards the hallway, walked through floors before finally reaching the floor where law school was.

"I told you mommy is not here." Blaire jested as she tugged her mom's hand.

"We're gonna ask why. Come on."

And how Lou and Blaire found theirselves at Debbie's doorstep was a blur. It was close to seven in the evening and Blaire was still wearing her uniform standing beside her mom while Lou had a bag of groceries on the other. They looked around at the very sophisticated house in front. The whole place was secluded from the neighborhood; the walls all painted gray and black - a very Debbie Ocean style.

"Do you think she's awake?" Blaire silently asked.

"We'll never know unless we try to find out." Lou smiled at her before she knelt in front of Blaire, "She misses you, I am sure so why don't you ring the bell?"

Blaire nodded before she proceeded to ring the bell on Debbie's door. And they waited. Waited for the brunette to come out, but five minutes have passed since the kid have rang the bell, still, there was no shadow that screamed Debbie. Lou looked around before she held the knob. It was opened. The door was not locked.

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