Chapter Forty Six

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"Good morning, baby. How's New York again? Did you sleep well last night? I've missed you."

Lou smiled as she took the sounds of the sender from the other line. The sun was escaping through the blinds, its rays were basking well on the lands of her glowy skin and the sun was achingly beautiful as it peeked through her blinds. She noticed Blaire's I.D was no longer on her table and a note from Tammy was on her table instead. They're back at New York last night and Blaire was now at school, Tammy picked her up. Lou fell back against her bed as she drew an even bigger smile.

"Say that again." She answered Debbie as she rubbed the sleepiness on her eyes away with her other hand.

"Say what?" Debbie retorted, chuckling on the phone, "Did you sleep well last night?"

"Not that." Lou picked up Tammy's note and silently read it, "Didn't bother to wake you up. Blaire has recitals today and she will stay with me for two days because I miss her. See you after two suns, Miller."


Lou folded the note as she put it back on the table, "The last part." She sweetly said as she rolled on her stomach.

"Okay, baby." Debbie mumbled and Lou could sense that she was smiling, "I've missed you. I've missed you so much, love."

Warm skin and the softest smile, it's all Lou could imagine of Debbie. The blonde sunk back on the bed; her soft mattress drowning her. It felt too right; Debbie loved her, missed her. The Debbie Ocean. And she smiled. How could she be that lucky? Lou sighed sweetly as the realization hit her: how did she survive breathing in all those times Debbie wasn't there? She felt like the brunette was the only thing that kept her going, and she sure as hell that Debbie was the pillar of her soul.

"I've missed you badly." Lou murmured as she covered her eyes with her arm, "The bed feels too big now."

"Aw, baby." Debbie answered, "Want me to go there? You know I've missed you. Besides, Keanu will be flying to California later today. I can stay there with you and Blaire."

"Speaking of my princess, she will be with Tammy for two days. And speaking of your husband, I have a meeting with him this lunch. And speaking of your offer,.." Lou smiled as if Debbie was with her, "...I'd like that. I'd like you here. Stay with me, Debs." She mumbled softly, as if those words were sacred biblical phrases.

Debbie rolled on the bed. Silently shrieking like a teenage girl who had just made out with her crush on the football team. Debbie planned on divorcing Keanu while he's out at California. She knew and had plotted about all the things she would say and would apologize for and she just wished that it would go well because she needed Lou and she could not waste time anymore. Her dreams were she and Lou, and Keanu was no longer in the picture anymore. In her dreams, Lou and her were together - no odds stacked against them, no wars, and no tragedy blocking their way together. In her dreams was Lou, with Lou's hands touching her cheeks, Lou's lips touching her neck and a new promise of beginning.

"Okay, baby. I'll see you tonight? Dinner?"

"Sure. Let's have dinner here. What do you like to eat, love?" Lou asked as she sat on the bed, eager to start the day and finish it just so she could see the love of her life already.

"What do I want to eat? Hmm, besides you, I want a steak night."

"Got it. So I'll see you later okay?"

"You bet." Debbie laughed, "I love you, baby. I love you so much and I cannot wait to see you."

"And I love you more. Can't wait for tonight. Have a great day, love."

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