Chapter Twenty Four

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"Your smile looks different today." Danny commented as she took a bite of her nuggets while she eyed her mom who was driving her home from school.

Lou looked at her before she went back to the road, with a chuckle, she replied, "What does my smile looks like?"

Danny moved and turned to face her mom who was grinning, "You..." The kid bit her lip as she thought for a moment, trying to find the right words to describe her mom's smile, "Your smile looks as if you are a boy, a teenager who got a yes from the one you are courting." Danny then crossed her arms against her chest as the realization hit her, "Did mama Jul, scratch that - did Julia say yes to you?"

Lou laughed, "What?" She asked in disbelief.

"Answer me, mom." Danny hissed, "Did Julia gave her yes to you because I swear to all my barbie dolls that I will be very mad at --"

"Baby, chill." Lou countered before she slowed down and eventually stopped the car by the side of the road, just few blocks away from Debbie's house, "Didn't you see us yesterday?"

The little girl rolled her eyes, "See what?"

"Me and your mommy?" The blonde hinted as she tried to hold Danny's arms that were still locked against the little girl's chest.

"Of course I did! You two kissed and acted like total..,"Danny stopped and looked at Lou, "Can I say a bad word? Because mom, this is needed."


"Of course I did! You two kissed and acted like total idiots falling in love again. But how could I believe it when I have seen you two going in and out over and over again?" Danny inquired, her little hands going up as if to prove a point, "I'm so confused, mom."

"Look," Lou sighed as she reached for Danny's face and caressed it lovingly with her thumb, "I am sorry for confusing you and for being idiots, okay? But baby, it's real. I have ended whatever is going on with me and Julia through text, but I might have to talk to her in person soon. But the thing is, I will be pursuing your mom again." The blonde smiled as she stared at Danny's blue eyes, "I am planning to marry your mom again. Make her my girlfriend and then be my wife again. And I will be needing your help."

"Mom." Danny replied, her mouth hung open as she absorbed what her mom just told her, "Are you serious? Like real serious?"

The blonde gave her a nod, "Yep. Now, I want you to be a good girl because we have a lot to do this week so next week, your mom will be wearing an engagement ring again. Okay?" Danny nodded, her smile bigger than her face as she sat, "Now buckle up, young lady. Your mommy is waiting for us."


When Lou pulled over, Danny got her backpack right away and ran out of the car, dismissing Lou's "Dan wait for me." The blonde could only nod her head as she got out of the car, walking towards Debbie's house. When she opened the door, Danny was standing by the door, frozen like a statue and when Lou asked her why, the little girl just pointed at Debbie, who was soundly sleeping on the couch with a book on her hand.

"She's asleep." Danny mouthed to her mom as she pointed to Debbie.

Lou smiled before she knelt in front of the kid, "She must be tired."

"But I'm hungry." Danny pouted as she replied, "I thought mommy's gonna cook an early dinner."

"Why don't you toddle upstairs, take a bath, change into your pjs and do your homework and I'll cook?" Lou jested as she fixed Danny's braids, "Mommy must be tired." She added as she took a look on Debbie.

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