Chapter Twenty Seven

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Dearest Baby,

Mommy had a dream last night.

We’re hiking in an april snow. The kind of fairy flakes that coated the empty tree branches in sparkles - it was beautiful.  The sunlight glistened, prisms of light casting rainbows on our skin. There's snow in your eyelashes and eyebrows. You pulled  your dusty purple beanie down over your ears, down so far I laughed – I could barely see your face. You frolic ahead of me on the trail, bounding in fits and spurts on the mossy rocks and the blanket of leaves from last fall.

Debbie paused as she breathed, suddenly aware that she wasn't breathing at all. The coffee she made was still untouched, sitting just a few inches from her hand. She looked out and noticed that her plants outside her window weren't thriving and for a moment she thought if she would continue to write or to stand and water the plants. With a sigh, she shook her hand. Let the plants be damned.

I dreamt that you, my baby, cooked.  I ate the carrot cake you made for breakfast. I traced a line from your ear to your hip bone. When I woke up this morning, I thought about your sweet smile until the water I was boiling for pasta spilled over.

Danny, you’re a firefly and a streetlight and a walk on a cool spring evening. I fall and will keep falling for you forever.

Missing you badly, baby.

The brunette sighed as she put down the pen. A groan left her lips as she ran her fingers through her hair, eventually burrying her face onto the table. What really happened? She, too, didn't know. All she knew was that she got a tattoo of Danny's name on the underside of her left breast. All she knew was that the plants she planted weren't thriving and that she had been eating the same meals for weeks. Debbie wanted to scream as the memories came flooding down through her. It was too much to absorb, and up until now, she couldn't fully believe that it did happen.


That shout that she did five years ago changed her life. It was beyond traumatic and five years passed by, Debbie was still trying to unhear that scream. It was too much and reliving that moment could still shatter her bits by bits.

"No, please. No, pleaseee!!! Revive her again! Fucking do it!"

"Ma'am, please calm down. We are doing --

"Calm down? Well, fuck you because I cannot! My daughter is lying there, and you are here - telling me to fucking calm down!"

"Nurse, please call the guard. Have her removed now."

"Debs, please..."

"Don't touch me, Louise! Fucking don't!"

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