Chapter Thirteen

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Debbie abruptly let go of the clothes that she was about to fold. Hearing Danny screaming from her own room, it made her heart pound. She ran away and hastily trudged towards Danny's room, ready to rescue her daughter from whatever circumstance she needed to get out. She expected Danny on the floor with her puzzle pieces, but when she got there, Danny was on the bed with Lou.  The blonde was lying on the bed, smiling at her. And Danny was looking at her, giggling too. The brunette sighed. The air of relief came out of her lips and when she did, she crossed her arms against her chest as she leaned on the door frame, glaring at her ex-wife and her kid.

"Danny... you scared me."

Lou turned to look at Danny who was still giggling, "See?" She jested, "I told you."

"What is this all about?" Debbie asked, brow raising as she stared at her ex-wife and her cheeky daughter.

"Danny wants you here so she screamed. I told her not to do it, but she did. And also --"

Danny sat on the bed, cut Lou off and stared at Debbie, "Mommy, can you stay here with us?"

"I thought you don't like people staying in your room."

Lou moved, placed a pillow on her back as she lounged on the headboard, "I thought too."

The little girl looked at Lou and Debbie before she spoke again, "Oh, come on! I still don't want it." She commented and sighed, "But I want to have you both here with me now." She looked at Lou and pouted, "I want you both here."

"You heard the kid, Deb."

Debbie finally stepped into the room, "Okay, baby. What do you want to do?"

There was a faint glow elucidating from Danny's beautiful orbs. But instead of answering Debbie, the little kid turned to look at Lou.

"Mom, move." She commanded and moved to the middle of the bed, "Let's all lie together, mommy." She said to the brunette who was standing on the foot of her bed.

Debbie felt her heart wanting to get out. The coldness of the floor crept into the barriers of her skin. After years, it would be first time to lie with Danny and Lou on one bed. It was extremely terrifying and exciting and so with cold sweats trying to move out from the soil of her skin, Debbie nodded. Lou smiled at her as she moved to the other side of the bed. When Debbie finally settled, Danny giggled on the middle.

"Now,..." Lou spoke as she turned to look at Danny, she then prompted her head on her hand so she could face the two, "What do we do now?"

Danny smiled cheekily, her eyes darting from Debbie to Lou, "Tell me stories!"

"Okay..." Debbie prompted her head as she looked at Danny, "What kind of story do you want us to tell?"

"Your love story, mommy." She grinned, "Mommy, how did you meet mom? When was your first kiss? Where did you get married?" She turned to Lou, "Mom, what was it like when you were pregnant with me?"

Debbie felt that the space became a little narrower. And when she looked at Lou, the blonde was looking at her too. Having to pluck back the pages of their book - the first time they met, the first kiss, the marriage and the pregnancy felt so scary to do. Her heart was beating abnormally fast, and she knew that her face was telling what she felt already. But she was taken aback when she heard Lou's voice, and along with that, Lou's hand came to reach out for Debbie's sweating hand.

Saudade | Loubbieजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें