Chapter Forty Three

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"If this brand will be successful and I am sure it will, we will venture across Europe. Our company's expansion will bring us through ---- "

Keanu's voice slowly faded into thin air as Lou walked out of the meeting room. She knew her presence was needed in there, but she also knew that she could just give him a reason. I needed to go check on something. Sometimes, being a woman, despite the many restrictions, still could make Lou thank all the gods: as a woman, she knew that she could give reasons without looking like she's bullshittimg someone even though she really was. In the women's world, a no was a full sentence and she knew that she could use that privilege. She fixed her suit as she calmly walked away from the room with a daunting smirk on her lips.

When her heels touched the marbled floor of the hotel's hall, she hastily trudged as she took the stairs - that sweet vanilla smell was lulling her in; she could smell her in the air and it made the sober her drunk. She was drunk in the thought of her naked, chasing an ephemeral pleasure that only them knew about. From the base of her neck, down to that sweet golden brown rings in her eyes, to the swell of her breasts and to the hollow of he collarbones, Lou knew Debbie had made a slave in her. She was excited to have the brunette again, to own her before Keanu does and during the meeting - was the only time they could do it. As much as they knew the price of their sin was high, they both couldn't stop. When the side of Debbie's bed sinks in the weight of him, Lou's heart drops and sinks and falls - to compensate, when his weight is off  the bed, Lou falls and substitutes.

"Hey..." Debbie cracked a soft smile as she motioned for the blonde to get in, "I thought you wouldn't follow."

"I had to wait for a few minutes so he won't notice, you know." The blonde answered as she got in, closed the door behind her as she swept her way towards the brunette who was standing in the middle of the room, "I've missed you." Lou added as she caught Debbie's waist, "I've missed you so much." She whispered, her lips going to place a soft kiss on the side of Debbie's neck.

Debbie laughed. A sweet music of giggle escaped her well-trained and well-tinted lips. She then held Lou's face; her hands cupping the blonde's cheeks. Eyes all raw, giving a look that could peel a skin and could dig through flesh. It was a moment worthy to be written on journals - a second of silence, a time full of love and affection. The brunette gave Lou a saccharine smile; her eyes twinkling like the daisies on a summer field as she received Lou's smile too.

"And I've missed you too." Debbie answered as she gently shook her head, "No, let me rephrase that. I missed you more and more." The brunette spoke as she circled her arms on the blonde's neck, "I was so bored in there."

Lou laughed, "That brilliant brain of yours got bored listening to numbers and plans? I doubt so."

"Actually no." Debbie rolled her eyes as she let go of the blonde, stepping back as she walked towards the bed and sat on it, "I got bored seeing the ugly faces of those men in there."

"Your husband included?"


The blonde shook her head as she watched the brunette took her blazer off. Debbie's bralette coming in full view as the brunette gave her a smile while placing her well-pressed blazer on the side of the bed. Debbie's skin was seducing Lou to come and lick every space of it and Debbie knew it. Still, with a smile, Lou walked towards the mini table on the side of the room and poured herself a glass of vodka.

"Why drink when you can fuck me instead?" Debbie asked casually, like asking if Lou wanted a bread for breakfast or not; a smirk on her lips displayed as she toyed with the strap of her bralette, "You know too well I taste more superior than that fucking vodka."

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