Chapter Fifty

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"So what if I'm in love you?"

Lou rolled her eyes as she pushed a cup of coffee  across the table. One spoon of cream. Two cubes of sugar. Just the way Debbie liked it. The brunette  shook her head, as if she had anticipated that Lou would not answer her.  Few seconds passed, still the blonde just looked at her and so Debbie held the cup before she gave Lou a flirty look.

"Answer me." Debbie spoke again, her brunette waves falling freely and the sunlit  ray of colors were grazing upon her creamy skin; Lou gulped as she noticed that the strap of Debbie's silk lingerie was falling off from her left shoulder and god, she was beautiful and way too damn sexy, "Earth to Louise."

"What kind of question is that?" Lou retorted with a scoff before she took her black coffee with her and started walking away from the table, too eager to get away from Debbie. From the question.

But just as she was about to cross the area between the kitchen and the living room, Debbie was too quick to stand up from her seat and blocked Lou from walking away. And with Debbie's face too near from the blonde, it was when Lou just wanted all the gods to swallow her up because now, Debbie's face was too damn irresistible and her natural red lips was too plump. What a morning.

"Debbie, it's just seven in the morning." Lou jested and tried to walk the other side, yet Debbie was at it again, blocking her way with a huge smile hanging on her lips, "Debs, please..."

"Just answer me, Miller!" The brunette cracked as she got the cup of coffee away from Lou and placed it on the table beside them, "Answer, answer me you silly, silly, sexy woman." She added as she placed her arms around Lou's neck.

"I..." Lou sighed, trying to act so casual as if Debbie's chest touching hers was not a big deal, "I don't know!"

"Gez!" Debbie laughed walking back to the table before she fell back seriously, "I think I am falling in love with you." She added.

And how Debbie sat and drank her coffee was an enigma to Lou. After blurting out something like that? How could Debbie act as if it was just nothing? Lou held the knots inside her heart, trying so hard not to spill all the unwritten letters that she hid underneath the oak of heart. She loved Debbie. Been in love with her since they first met. But it was clear that: no mixing of pleasures and business. Lou shook her head as she left out a sigh, only to be called by Debbie, who again, was staring at her flirtily.

"You okay?" Debbie asked, "You're worried that I am falling in love with you?" The brunette shook her head as she went on to twist her hair into a bun, "Don't worry, Louise. It's just an 'I think' not an 'Im sure.' Also,..." She pursed her lips for a minute before Debbie got up and went up to Lou again to place a chaste kiss on the blonde's lips, "...good morning." And with that, Debbie walked away leaving the blonde frozen on the same place, almost dying as she touched her lips, the same spot that Debbie just kissed.

Lou closed the book that she was reading as her attempt was becoming so futile because instead of her comprehending what was happening, all she thought was that first kiss. Their first kiss. She exasperatedly sigh as she put down the book on the center table in front of her. It's been five years, yet the brunette was still consuming every inch of her soul and every fiber of her flesh. For a moment, she silently sat and thought about Debbie. It's been a year since she last got the news about her - thanks to Tammy telling her that she saw Debbie with her husband on a mall in Dubai. Although the blonde completely cut her off, she still wondered about Debbie. Lou wanted to see her again on the televisions, even if it meant she had to see her clinging on his arms, unfortunately, there hadn't been any news about Keanu anymore. Was it a good move cutting Debbie off her life? Yes. Did it make her feel better? Apparently, no. Even if she didn't want to admit, but her heart was still beating Debbie's name. Her mind was angry at her and her tongue may curse the brunette's name - may swear that she would never want to meet her again - but deep down, along with her quite midnights, her entire heart was longing for Debbie.

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