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"That doesn't look good" Fwip exclaimed, "check Ren". I complied, and to my horror, I found the exact same thing in Ren's code.

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"What should we do?" Fwip asked.

"I think we need to speak to the others" I decided, "and decide what to do with Ren and Etho".

"Do you think anyone has seen them?" Fwip asked.

"I'm not sure" I sighed, "they could be anywhere".

The two of us stood in silent thought.

"I'll send a message out into chat" Fwip said, "neither of them have communicators so hopefully someone found them". I nodded in agreement. Fwip pulled up his communicator and typed out a message.

<Fwip> Has anyone seen Ren or Etho?

<Smajor1995> Why you asking?

<Fwip> Xisuma and I have discovered a glitch but it's best to discuss in person

<Pixlriffs> Ren is living on an island near my base, haven't noticed anything strange

<Grian> Neither of them have been to Hermitopia

<Smajor1995> Haven't seen anything either

<Fwip> Okay thanks

<Fwip> we meet tonight at the bridge so we can discuss this?

<Grian> I'll be there

<Smajor1995> Same

<Tango> I'll come too

<Smallishbeans> Me too

Fwip looked up at me.

"Shall I go look for Ren?" I suggested. Fwip nodded.

"No one has seen Etho apparently" Fwip paused, "or someone was lying for whatever reason".

"That's a worry" I agreed.

Xisuma bid Fwip goodbye and launched himself into the air. I knew where Pix's base was so it was just a matter of finding the island he was talking about.

I scanned the land surrounding Pix's base. I noticed a house on an island about 100 blocks from it.

I flew over, looking for a certain dog in red. I spotted the man in question by the water's edge. I landed softly behind him, careful not to startle him.

"Hey Ren" I smiled.

"Oh hey Xisuma!" Ren grinned back.

"How you doing?" I asked, "I haven't seen you in ages".

"I'm doing great man" Ren said happily, "have you seen Etho anywhere? We came through together but got separated".

"About that" I took a deep breath, "we think there's a glitch or something and it's attached to you and Etho".

"What?" Ren's ears flattened, "what on earth are you talking about?"

I felt my face heat in embarrassment. Ren was looking at me like I'd lost my mind.

"It appears a third and fourth entity joined the server with you" I explained, "and there was something strange in your code".

"Dude if something was wrong with me, I'd know" Ren growled, "I think your lack of sleep has finally caught up with you".

I flinched, like Ren had scratched me.

"Can I please have a look?" I pleaded, "I need your permission to look further into your code".

"No" Ren snarled, "there's nothing wrong, you're being stupid".

"Well I know somethings up" I shot back, "normally you'd let me no problem".

"I am your king and I demand you leave me be" Ren hissed, "my life is none of your business".

I opened and closed my mouth in shock. It was rare for Ren to speak like that. He was usually very chill and friendly, it was always a surprise when he got angry.

"I'm sorry" I said slowly, "I really wish you'd reconsider".

"Get out of my sight" Ren growled. His tail lashed, indicating he was not joking.

I nodded and backed away. There was nothing I could do. I needed Ren to say yes before I was allowed to probe further into his code. I was admin but my powers could only do so much.

I sighed. I launched myself into the air. Maybe I would have better luck with Etho. I looked down at my communicator and typed a message quickly.

<You whisper to Fwip> Ren refused to let me see his code. Something is definitely wrong.

<Fwip whispers to you> That's not good. Shall we go ahead with the meeting?

<You whisper to Fwip> Yes. Hopefully someone has seen Etho. Does Ren know about it?

<Fwip whispers to you> I don't think so

<You whisper to Fwip> Good, I'll see you soon.

<Fwip whispers to you> :)

I sighed and looked up. I saw Hermitopia coming into view. Hopefully between the two servers they could figure out what was going on.

Someone had to know something.



I stared out the window at the colourful landscape. I felt odd, like I was in a trance. It probably was nothing but I was still worried.

Scott seemed nice enough. I could tell we were similar in their personalities, only Scott was a lot more outgoing and loud.

I sighed and pulled my mask further up my face. Why did I come through the rift? I wasn't sure. I knew I had to find Ren at some point as we had gotten separated.

"Etho?" I jumped at the sound of Scott's voice.

"Yep I'm in here" I called back. A moment later the multicoloured emperor walked through the door.

"There's something I need to tell you" Scott said.

"I'm listening" I murmured, cocking my head.

"It appears Xisuma and Fwip have discovered a glitch" he paused, "and they think it's done something to yours and Ren's code". Scott ran his fingers through his cyan hair awkwardly.

"What?" I said, confused, "I assure there's nothing wrong with me".

"I believe you" Scott assured him, "which is why I told them I hadn't seen you because they're looking for you". My eyes widened.

"I need to find Ren" I exclaimed, "I can't believe they think there's something wrong with us".

"They're having a meeting tonight to discuss what to do" Scott informed me, "I was thinking I would go to it and you can search for him, I have a spare elytra you can borrow". Scott handed me a pair of silvery wings that appeared to be brand new.

"Thank you" I said gratefully, "if I find him should I bring him back here?"

"Yes, he'll be safer here than anywhere" Scott agreed.

"I don't want to get you in trouble" I said worriedly.

"Don't worry about it" Scott laughed, "I've harboured fugitives before, it's nothing new to me". I smiled a little at that.

"I didn't pick you to be a trouble maker" I snickered.
"I am a trouble maker" Scott giggled, "I just let other people take the blame".

"Smart" I acknowledged. I noticed the sky was rapidly darkening.

"You better hurry if you want to get there in time for the meeting" I reminded him.

"Guess I'll be off then" Scott waved to him, "cya later".

I waved in return and ran my fingers through the wings of the elytra. I'll leave after Scott has gone so I don't attract attention.

After all, what's the worst that could go wrong?

Collision (HermitcraftxEmpires Au)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz