Snow Rescue

704 11 5

Requested by annaNTRuR by a Dm. It's not exactly what you're prompt might have been but I didn't want to hold this back any longer

"It's cold up here ."

Roy felt the breeze as he drove up the Broomstown's mountains. This one mountain was used as an observation deck, though it was to look over the town, not the usual ocean. It had a lot of paths and dead ends and caves. He didn't really like coming up here when it was winter time but Jin had sent him to patrol. Helly had to work somewhere else.

The mountain he was driving on often had rocks breaking off during the winter. It blocked many paths so it was difficult to find a way up. But he managed and came near a Rescue Booth. Transforming, he noticed how busted it was. The metal pip was slightly bent to the side and the camera was hanging slightly out, the wire holding it.. A few rocks nearby showed what had happened.

"Guess I'm going to have to fix this" Roy said as he called Jin in. He knew some mechanical work however he wasn't as good as Jin. She answers quickly and explains to him how to fix the Phone Booth. A couple hits on the pole and screwing the camera was easy in a way but took a while since Jin couldn't see. It began to snow as well while he worked; however it soon turned into thick hail.

"There. Can you see me?" Roy pressed the button and the camera faced him.

"Yeah. It is. Be careful going down. The rain might make the path slippery."

"Alright. Thanks."

Roy began to move down after he transformed back. It wasn't too bad. The Little Rocks didn't help as he bumped up and down but he got down a nice distance. Then he heard a sound. A weird rumbling sound. Looking around, the snow piles began from the mountains cliffs to fall quickly and suddenly an avalanche of snow rushes down.

"I gotta get out of here" Roy thought as he raced down. However the hail had turned the ground slippery and he was sliding around. He bumps into a small rock and suddenly he looses control over his driving

Roy tried his breaks but they were useless. He bumped into the walls and small rocks. One of them manages to knock him backward and he sees the avalanche heading right toward him.

"No! Come on! Get ahold of yourself!" Roy yelled as he tried to gain control. The avalanche was on top of him. Knowing there was nothing he could braced himself to get hit.

The world turned dark.


Roy groaned as he regained consciousness. He forced his eyes open and was blinded by white.

"Huh..? What happened?" Roy transformed as he looked around. He shook his head to clear his vision. His headlights turn on, revealing himself to be... in a cave. A pile of snow placed the entrance

"Well.. that didn't go well.." He mumbled as he remembers what happened. He got caught in the avalanche of snow and it probably brought him into the one of the many caves. Roy digged the snow away with his hands. The rescue shovels were usually in one of the shelters, they didn't think they would need to keep it on them. His hands began to hurt from the coldness but he continued

He manages to clear the snow, only for a thick layer of ice to block him. Drilling in it did nothing as it was too thick. Punching did nothing Roy groaned as his transmitter didn't turn on. His signal was acting weirdly, flashing everywhere. Must have been broken. He looked around, noticing the different tunnels leading different directions .

"Better start moving." Roy muttered while climbing up a tunnel. "Hopefully I don't get stuck here too long"

The tunnels felt like mazes and Roy was starting to get worried. It may have been 20 minutes but he was starting to feel really cold. The inside of him also felt off. Particularly his water tank felt heavier..

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