Save Helly ( and Poli)

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Take place during "Save Helly" A little alternate ending when Poli falls. I went back to a request page by @petra608
and saw the comment RisingDarkness0 made on "What if Poli fell too" It is a rush oneshot as I'm writing this at 3 am.. so.. enjoy?

"Going up." Poli grunts as his line hoists him up. Helly clings on tightly to his back handle. A few feet up and a rattling noise could be heard. The line shook and a few pieces of rock hits them

"Is there something wrong?". Poli doesn't answer as they continue up but his line stops moving him up and he almost falls. He grabs onto the line before they fall down.

"Poli?! Are you alright?" Helly asked. Poli nods.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's again!" The line moved upward again as Poli ignored the sudden pain. His wrist burned from the movement and his hand ached. He didn't think the weight of Helly would have caused this, something earlier may have damaged his hand.

All of the sudden he's falling again. Poli moves toward the wall to land on a random rock, but it cracks and he and Helly were falling back to the bottom. They screamed as the fell, Helly letting go and Poli landing on his arm. They both groan before Poli rushes over to Helly. Moments later the line comes flying down, hitting Poli's head

"Are you alright Helly?" Poli asked.

"Yeah. Fine. Your wrist though..." Helly mumbled. Poli looked at his right wrist and grimaced. It had burnt marks on it and his hand was smashed up. He shakes his head before shooting a line from his left wrist, only for it to come back. He didn't have much to grab onto and the area was too narrow to shoot out to find something out of the canyon

"Looks like we're going to need some help.." Poli mumbled and opened his transmitter, only for it to be revealed smashed and sparks coming out of it. "Helly, can you use your signal?"

"Oh yea, sure!" Helly presses the button and he notices the rising water. It was reaching under his headlights. Poli picks him up with a groan.

"Poli! Put me down!" Helly complains. "You're going to hurt your wrist!"

"I can't. If water gets inside you, it'll be worse!" He grumbles. With the water rising rapidly above his legs, Poli has to hope Roy or Amber would come quickly or else they would be in trouble.

"Where are they?" Amber mumbled. They stared out the window hoping they would see Poli and Helly. Posty was behind them, anxiously looking around. A few minutes past and Roy couldn't take it

"I'm going out to find them! They're taking way too long, something must have happened." Roy exclaims. "Stay here with Posty, I'll find Poli and Helly."

"Alright.." Amber didn't seem happy with that idea but she let Roy go. Roy runs out yelling for his friends.

The water was under Poli's headlight.

Helly was forced to hold onto Poli's sirens as the police car tried to find a higher ground. He would cough ever time the water got into his mouth

"Poli, I am so sorry that I went out during the storm.! I'm not meant to be a rescue team member." Helly cries.

"It's fine! I'm sorry Helly! But right now, we gotta deal with the situation !" Poli exclaims. "We're over here! If anyone can hear us! We're stuck in the ravine!"

No answer and Poli sighs. In one fateful attempt, he launches his line at a point rock. It latches on and they move up.

"Woohoo!" Helly exclaimed, crawling down and holding onto the back hook. But the happiness fades as the rock cracks and they're falling down. This time, Poli lands on his feet.

"Back to square ones.." Poli mumbled and grabbed Helly.

"Poli! Helly!" A familiar voice yells. They smile

"Roy! We're down here!" Poli yells. Frantic footsteps could be heard and a red vehicle looks down.

"There you two are! What happened?"

"My wrist broke and I can't get us up! Get Helly out of here first !"

"What..?" Roy was confused"Poli I can-"

"We'll figure how to get me out later! Just hurry!" Roy nods and find something for his line to grab onto

"Poli.." Helly started but Poli glared at him and he didn't continue. Why was Poli letting him get out first? He got himself in this stupid situation. Roy comes back jumping down with a line. Helly is lifted and Roy grabs his hand. He gives Poli a worried look before moving up slowly.

"Hurry Roy!" Poli exclaims. The water has raised above his headlights, and now that Helly was out of danger, he wanted to get out before the water reaches his mouth. Roy manages to get to top and Helly is pulled to the side. He jumps back down in an instant and grabs onto Poli's left hand. Roy tries to move up but Poli was too heavy.

"We'll climb the walls! I know it'll be slow but we don't have much time!" Poli said. He could feel water dangerously getting close to his mouth. Roy nods and Poli grabs onto a piece sticking out. Roy slowly moves up, holding onto Poli's hand. Bit by bit, they climb to the top, Helly looking down anxiously. But then, they heard a name

"Amber..?!" A line shoots down and grabs Poli's hook. They look uo to see Amber pulling.

"Come on, Roy, try moving now." Poli says.

"Alright!" The help made it easier to move and soon enough they made it to the top. Roy and Amber get Poli up.

"Thanks." He says. "We better get inside and wait for the storm to end. I'm sure Posty is worried about us,"

"Yeah. Let's go!" Amber said and they all run toward the small cabin.

"I'm sorry Poli.." Helly sighs as he looks at Poli's bandages. Amber had bandages his wrist and hands. They would get it repair later when the storm was gone and they could go back to headquarters. "If I only if I had listen to you, we wouldn't be stuck in that ravine. I'm not fit to be a rescuer..You're always right"

"No Helly. I was wrong. I should have believed in you, and look at what happened. You saved Posty from even worst danger." Poli chuckles. "I'm sorry I didn't believe in you. You were a great rescuer today."

"Poli.." Helly smiles. He hugs Poli by his leg and Poli pats his head, with a smile.

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