Roy's Birthday

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Just reuploading. No update yet sorry.

Helly yawned as he flew down from his bedroom and into the main room. He stretched and looked at the calendar. His eyes lit up by what the words written on it said.

"Roy's birthday!" Helly said excitedly.

"Oh, it's today?" Jin walks in with a cup of coffee. "I kind of.. forgot about it.."

"Again?! You forget all our birthdays!" Helly rolled his eyes before smiling . "Come on! Let's surprise him! I can get a cake! We can invite all our friends! Woohoo! Town party!" Helly was about to fly out when Amber's door opened.

"What's Helly so excited about?" Amber asked.

"It's Roy's birthday! I can't wait for all our friends to help set up the best party for him" Helly exclaimed, spinning around. Amber laughs and looks at Helly with a kind of a sad smile.

"Sorry to tell you this but Roy doesn't want a big party this year." Hello stops moving and looks at her confused.

"What-? Why? Didn't he have a good time last year?" Helly asked

"Oh he did. It's just... that he said he just wants us to celebrate this year because of what happened. Remember last year where Spooky, Cap, and Posty were fighting over who was going to put the candles on and then.. the whole accident."

Helly laughed nervously at the memory . It wasn't a pleasant way to celebrate Roy's birthday with clearing the area and putting out the big fire. They just went back to headquarters and straight to bed. No song, and cake. (There was a cake, it just melted during the fire) but Roy said it was a good birthday

"So what does he want to do this year?"

"Oh, he wants to go fishing near the big river. Mark, Bucky,will be there of course!" Amber said. "With a special guest coming."

"Who are they?" Jin asked."And even if they do come, that's not a lot ofpeople."

"It's a surprise you'll find out. I know it's not too many people but he said he just wants a peaceful day." Amber said. "Poli is over by the river setting everything up"

The door to Roy's door open and he yawns. Everyone looks at him.

"Happy birthday Roy!" He smiles.


Spooky, Posty,Cap,Cleany, and Lifty were gathered around the squares talking among themselves.

"And then, we'll get fireworks and boom! Celebration!" Spooky exclaims.

"That actually sounds like a good idea! Let's invite as many people as we can!" Posty smiles.

Poli passed in from the west gate with a wagon being pulled from behind him. The five cars greet him.

"Hello Poli."

"Hello!" He said. They looked at the wagon as it was full of fishing rods, bait, a couple of party banners, and charcoal."

"What's with all that stuff?" Cleanly asked.

"It's for Roy's birthday." Poli responds. "We're going to be outdoors today."

"Cool! He can have two parties! I can't wait to show off our work to everyone!" Lifty said excitedly. They all grin all but Poli.

"I'm sorry but this is more of a private party. It's just going to be all the rescue teams together this year." Poli apologizes but smiles. "But you guys can wish him a happy birthday."

Spooky, Cap and Posty weren't happy with the response. They stared at each other with annoyance. But Cleany and Lifty nod happily

"Yea. Tell Roy I said happy birthday."

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