Bring Your Brother To School (Solana and Thomas Pov)

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After reading RisingDarkness0 new oneshot "Bring your brother to school" (it's great you should read it) I decided to make a POV from when Roy was blacking in and out. Could be fun :) Thanks for allowing me to do this Scarlet

Thomas was out of the building in just a few minutes. Other kids and teachers in the school were coming out quickly. Some of them were calling the fire department and the rescue team in their town.

The smoke showed itself as it came out the window and the smell was strong. The staff members pushed everyone a distance from the school as they saw the fire from the windows.

'Please come out okay. Please, Roy' He thought. Some Firefighters and the other rescue departments arrive shortly. Hoses were attached to their trucks and they began spraying the building. Everyone watched, mumbling on what was going on.

"Is there anyone in the building?" One of the firefighters asked.

"Uh.. I believe everyone is out." Miss Everheart said as she looked around. All the siblings were together.. except Roy. "Thomas, where's Roy?"

"He's inside the building but don't worry! He's a firefighter! He can handle it!" Thomas exclaimed. While he was scared something would happen, he also knew that his brother had dealt with situations like this.

Time went by. The fire didn't seem to be stopping. One hour past, and Thomas looks around for Roy from where he is. Another hour passes and Thomas tries to get closer, but a staff member stops him, telling to stay put. He begins to worry that something will happen to Roy. When the third hour comes, Thomas begins to panic. He anxiously stared at the building looking around desperately for Roy. The fire was still huge and the firefighters were getting extra help

"Thomas!" His mom's voice comes from behind him. Turning around, his mom was rushing over to him. The nervousness was clear as she got close and hugged him.

"I'm sorry I didn't get here earlier! Traffic was terrible and, an-.. where's your brother?" Solana rambling is cut short when she doesn't see her oldest son. Thomas looked at the burning building nervously.

"He's in there." Thomas mumbled. He winced at his mother's eyes widen

"He's inside the building?!" Solana yells as she panics. "No.. please no!"

"Mom.. what's-"

An explosion erupts the area, the building materials are sent everywhere and some of the firefighters are knocked back. Solana lets go of Thomas and faces the building. She begins to breathe quickly and her eyes widen as she see something in the fire before it fades and she begins screaming.

"No! No! Not again!" Solana panicked. "Please, not again! Not like Ryan! Please! No!"

Thomas just stared at the building. The fear.. the panic knowing that Roy was inside the building... dying . All of it comes bubbling out. Thomas didn't want to cry but tears fell down his face. Solana noticed and hugged him tightly. All they could do was watch as the firefighters put the fire out.

Half an hour passed as the fire was finally put out. Solana pleaded with the firefighters to find Roy. Thomas was still in the same spot but he wanted to go inside to find Roy. He didn't care about anything else. He wanted his brother.

Suddenly there's yelling and two firefighters come out, Roy was in the arms of one of them. The firefighters yelled for a medic and one of them brought a cot over. The firefighters place Roy down and Solana and Thomas, from a distance, see how badly injured Roy was. There was blood all over the firefighter's uniform, most of it came from the big wound on Roy's side that was a sickly red. His arm was burnt and bloody. Every part of Roy's body was just badly hurt but those two were the worst.

"We're losing him!" One of the firefighters yelled. Solana runs over and a medic comes over. Thomas tries to follow however someone grabs her from behind.

"Let me go!" Thomas yelled as he cried and thrashed. He looked up to see Miss Everheart holding onto him.

"Thomas.. It's not good to see your brother like that... please." She tried to reason with the boy but Thomas continues to yell and tries to escape.

"Grab the panels! Come on people!" The medic yells. The firefighters bring the panels and Thomas watches as the medic does their thing. He continued trying to get out of his teacher's grip but she wouldn't let go.

"Come back to us son! Please" Solana put a hand near Roy as the medics tried to stabilize him. This brought back so many memories when her husband died. She didn't want it to happen again. She never wanted to go through that again.

"Please big brother! I need you!" Thomas yelled. The tears streamed down his face as he cried for his brother. He couldn't stand being so far away. As if those words did something, the medics finally stabilized Roy, just enough for a trip to the hospital. They load him into the car and say something to Solana. Eventually, they drive off, the sirens and lights going off. Miss Everheart released Thomas as he ran toward his mom. Tears were pouring down her face.

"We.. won't be seeing Roy a bit.. they need to.. do procedures and.. see how badly his injuries are Solana mumbled as she brought Thomas close.

"Roy..." Thomas sobbed. It was such a great day when Roy surprised him. Why did this happen? Why did that stupid fire had to hurt him. Why couldn't he do something to help Roy.

Two days passed and they were allowed to visit. While Solana was ready to head in, Thomas shook his head as he saw the slight sight of Roy on the hospital bed.

"I don't want to see him.. not like that.." Thomas mumbled. Solana understood and allowed him to wait outside in the hallways. They sat around the room for hours until they heard a groan. Thomas takes a peak in and sees Roy's face moving slightly.

"Sweetheart? Roy?" Solana said as she slowly reached out for Roy's hand. He shakes a bit as he forces his eyes open. He looked over to see his mom next to him. Thomas slowly moves to the doorframe as he watches them talk.

"How..'s Thomas?"

"Well." Their mom moved to the side revealing Thomas standing there. Roy smiled at him the best he could.

"Hey.. little bro."

Like that, Thomas rushed toward Roy and hugged him. He didn't want to hug him too hard because of his injuries but Thomas felt so relieved.

"I thought I lost you.." Thomas whispered. Although Roy struggled a bit, he returned the hug.

"I'm sorry Thomas. I know you hate seeing me this way." Roy mumbled. Thomas whines and he feels tears coming out. He heard Roy humming a song that their mom used to do, and relaxed. It was like a lullaby to him. He snuggled close to Roy, taking the comfort.

Solana smiled gently as she watched her boys relax with each other. She sighed tiredly but also happily.

'Thank you, Ryan. I have a feeling that you were there to help Roy. Thank you."

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