he said she said

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Okay. Sakiko knew that she was testing herself and those around when her select group of people began plotting to kill Negan.

But, she didn't think it would actually end up with more people dead. That dead person in question being Rick fucking Grimes.

"You did this!" Michonne screams, slamming Sakiko's back against a tree.

Maggie and Rosita take a step forward but Sakiko holds her hand up to stop them.

"He was out there because of you! Your dad lured him further away!"

Sakiko swallows, trying to figure out how to say this nicely.

But, then, she remembers that they didn't treat her nicely when it came to the entire war.

"I didn't blow up the fucking bridge."

"Michonne," Glenn calls, "She didn't know this would happen."

"I doesn't matter if you knew or not. You're not even sorry it happened! You want us dead! You wanted Rick gone! You wanted me gone! You wanted your own brother gone!"

"I didn't want to kill any of you! I was already inside the goddamn walls of Alexandria before Rick even knew shit was going on."

"Oh, so you admit that was your plan?" Michonne laughs darkly, "You tried to send him further away to make sure you had more time."

"My fucking plan was to kill Negan and I did! Rick was the one that was fighting against my fucking right to kill my husband's murderer and got himself killed!"

"Rick wanted Negan alive."

"And I wanted Negan dead. Rick's way of doing things isn't the only way to do things."

Michonne opens her mouth to say something, tears at a constant stream down her face.

"If Negan killed Rick in front of you- murdered him in cold blood while laughing as he suffered-"

"Sakiko," Michonne warns.

"You would've jumped from that line just the same and tried to kill Negan on the spot-"


"Ryan wasn't my second love or my second choice. Ryan was the love of my fucking life and that piece of shit took him away from me! Took him away from his brother! I have a kid that I have to raise by my fucking self because of him!"

The emotions build up until Sakiko knocks Michonne's hands away from her, shoving the older woman backwards.

"So don't act like it's something I can move on from because I have to look at my daughter every day and know that I can't bring back her dad! And that some of the people I cared about and loved most in this fucked up world tried to take away my right for justice for my husband!"

"Yeah? Well, thanks to you and your selfish little stunt to kill Negan," Michonne shoves Sakiko back, "Now, I have two children to raise alone because of you!"

"Carl is a grown ass man. He's the one that got in everybody's head in the first place and-"

"I wasn't talking about Carl."

Sakiko pauses. Michonne's lip quivers.

The realization made Sakiko a little dizzy. 

Michonne was pregnant.

But, Sakiko was too angry to care. This wasn't the Michonne that helped train her. This wasn't her Mama Mich. Not anymore.

Sakiko gives a half smile, stepping closer to Michonne to keep eye contact.

LOYAL [TWD] (third book to TROUBLE)Where stories live. Discover now