dress to impress

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There was a moment for Sakiko as she woke up.. A moment where she swore the warmth beside her was Ryan. She huddled closer to it and smiled. Only for a moment.

Then, she opened her eyes and realized it was just a pillow.

Her eyes flutter closed again. Hoping. Praying. Just let her imagination fly. Just a few more minutes.

"Sara?" there's a knock at the door.

She clenches her eyes shut harder. Just a little longer. Just let it be him for a second.

"She's blocked the door," the voice whispers.

Then, there's a banging on the door. She jumps in fright.

"Open up! Negan wants to see you!" a male's voice demands.

"Negan can suck my dick!" Sakiko screams, fed up with everything.

"Open the door, woman. Now."

Sakiko flings her blanket off of her, setting her feet on the floor. She was still wearing her boots. Part of her thought that if she kept them on, she'd be ready to make a run for it when the chance came. If the chance came.

She grabs the chair that she'd placed under the doorknob, shoving it across the room. The moment it's moved, the knob is turning and one of the male Saviors and Tanya walk in.

"You keep giving me those dirty looks, I'll give you a reason for-"

"Knock it off Grey," Tanya demands, silencing the man at once, "Come on, Sara. It's time to freshen up."

"I want to see my dad," Sakiko states.

"That isn't my decision," Tanya shakes her head.

"He," she points to Grey, "Said you were Negan's wife, no? You have some fucking power around here, so let me see my dad."

"Let's go freshen up first. Then, we can discuss matters."

Sakiko shoots Grey a glare, following behind Tanya.

"You look about Amber's size," Tanya mumbles, opening a door, "I hope the clothes fit. Don't be long. Use all the hot water you need, though. It's a perk from me to you."

The door closes and Sakiko takes her belt off to wrap around the handle and towel ring. No matter what, she didn't want to be taken off guard by these people.

She gets into the shower, speeding through the process. But, she's thorough. God only knew how long it would be until they let her have another shower.

As she picks up the clothes, she comes to the realization that the top was a one piece. It was a dress.

"The hell?" she whispers, holding the dress up.

It was solid black and she thinks about how it looks like something a rich bitch would wear to a funeral. Then, she figures her entire life is a funeral as of right now.

She puts the dress on and reaches for her old clothes. There, she saw her ring, necklace, and Glenn's pocket watch.

How sick were these people exactly? Would they take two of the objects she gave a shit about? And Glenn's pocket watch.. She still had to find him. Even more so now.

It wasn't worth the risk. She hurriedly takes the jewelry off the counter, sliding them in her bra. She had never felt so.. exposed. She's worn that necklace every day since the day Daryl gave it to her- over a decade ago by now. And her ring.. Her wedding ring.

She splashes her face with cold water to not think about it.

"Almost done?" Tanya asks, tapping on the door.

LOYAL [TWD] (third book to TROUBLE)Where stories live. Discover now