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"Ladies, please welcome our newest arrival," Negan says as Sakiko walks in the room.

A surge of anger goes through her. This murderous douchebag that she was going to break in-

"She's.. So young.. Negan," one of the women take note of her.

Sakiko forces herself to look away from Negan to look around the room. Women. Just.. A lot of women.

"She's fine," Negan waves off, "How old are you, honey?"

"What?" Sakiko spits.

"Your age. How old are you?"

"Does it matter?"

"Well, you're old enough, no?"


"Answer the question."

Sakiko puts her hands on her hips, "Is this your 'speak when spoken to' bullshit again?"

"I'd advise you to do so."

"I.. I don't know. twenty two? Twenty three?"

"See, Frankie?" Negan asks, "Old enough."

"She's younger than Amber."

Negan walks over to Sakiko, a grin on his face that she hated beyond measures.

"I want to see my dad," she says before he could say anything else.

"We've got plenty of time for that. Have a drink," he offers the beer bottle in his hand to her.

"My dad," she stands her ground.

Negan nods, "All right. Well, how about we go on a walk?"

"Will it lead to my dad?"

"Of sorts."

Sakiko hated the vague answer.


Sakiko hadn't seen outside the Sanctuary. To be honest, the whole ride here was a blur. She and Daryl were stuffed in the back of the van and couldn't see much of anything. And she was still so distraught over what had happened that all she did was cling to Daryl and cry.

Nothing could have prepared her for the sight awaiting outside.

"What is all this?" she asks Negan.

"This is our security," he waves an arm around like the sight was grand.

There were two rows of chainlink fence, then some walls up randomly in areas.

In the area, though.. That was what was scary.

There were men in tan outfits, sweaters and jogging pants- each labeled by letter. They were fighting walkers, tying or stabbing them to the walls to stick to the fences.

"Are they prisoners? Is my dad out there?" she understands at once.

"He isn't," Negan assures, "But, your choices will define if he is or not."

"My choices?"

"You're free to check it out if you want. Make yourself at home."

Sakiko didn't want to go in there. But, she had to know if Daryl was there and Negan wasn't lying. Plus, maybe he's been to Alexandria and took someone. She had no idea what this sicko was capable of.

"Do I get a weapon?" she asks.

"Those men in there won't let anything happen to you, darling. If they do.. Well, that's their skin on those fences."

Sakiko rolls her eyes, but still walks into the hellscape.

The men give her strange looks. Some angry, some sad.. Most just sympathetic.

LOYAL [TWD] (third book to TROUBLE)Where stories live. Discover now