to die for a cause

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"Fuck," Sakiko curses, jumping to her feet.

The arrow protrudes from Jared's shoulder. He drops the gun and it fires aimlessly into the side of the truck.

"What the hell?" Gavin questions as Jared screams in pain.

"Get to Hilltop.. Tell my dad things are fine. Get your fucking mom back to her goddamn self and tell her to fight," Sakiko panics to Sophia, "Don't let Ezekiel brush this off, get him to fucking fight. Richard set this all up- fuck!"

"Where are.." Sophia's eyes widen, confused at everything going on.

Sakiko climbs the fence, dropping to her feet.

"Holy goddamn," Gavin mutters, "If it isn't our little escapee, huh?"

"What-" Ezekiel begins.

"Stay back!" Sakiko shouts, pointing the bow to Ezekiel, "You fucking Saviors are all the same!"

"Come on, now," Gavin steps toward her, "Where's your old man, huh? We needa get you two back to the Sanctuary."

"Rot in hell!" she spits.

Saviors start toward her and she shoots another arrow, this one going through a man's head.

"Get her!" Gavin shouts.

Sakiko begins to run away, pausing.

Richard was a threat. He was going to get more people killed. This is how she maintains the Kingdom's cover.

She loads another arrow.

Richard wanted to die for Kingdom. So, Sakiko would grant him that.

"Fuck off Savior dipshits!" she screams, releasing her arrow and shooting Richard through the back of the neck.

Benjamin and Morgan attempt to catch Richard's body.

Gavin looks down at the body and nearly laughs.

This stupid girl.. She thought all the men out here were Saviors. She shot the wrong person. She didn't even know about Kingdom.

Sakiko wanted him to think that.

She tugs another arrow from her case, taking off into a run.

"You three, after her," Gavin orders, picking Jared up off his knees, "You and you get him in the goddamn truck and get medical attention."

"She.." Benjamin points after Sakiko.

"She's just one of ours," Gavin brushes it off.

Jerry fought himself internally to not chase after her.

Ezekiel's hand raises from his side before he drops it again.

"You bring the rest of the load tomorrow or else you'll have to deal with us straight up. Be glad that Dixon interrupted our moment, huh?"

The Saviors that didn't chase after Sakiko get into their trucks and leave.

"Nanami.. He said that Sakiko would die for Kingdom.." Benjamin whispers, looking in the distance.

Sakiko and the three men that chased after her were long gone. Benjamin swallows roughly.

"I think she just did.."

"King!" Sophia calls, standing up once the coast was clear.

"Sophia.." Ezekiel shakes his head at a loss.

Daniel and Alvaro run over, cutting the fence to make a hole big enough for her to get through.

"What.. What in God's name is all of this?" Ezekiel asks once she runs over.

LOYAL [TWD] (third book to TROUBLE)Where stories live. Discover now