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"You know?" Nanami pulls back to look at Sakiko.

"I tested the first time when I got back to Hilltop. But.. I think it was too early to tell," she recalls, "The day after the fight here.. I wasn't feeling too good."

Sakiko takes a deep breath, "I.. I wanted to be. We were planning on it. I got negative that first time and when I started noticing I was having symptoms Maggie did.."

"Then.." Nanami tilts his head.

"I told Rosita after she was up and moving from getting shot. Took the test and.. surprise," she wiggles her hands.

"Kiko," Nanami gasps, "That's.."

"Good," she helps him out, "Ry and I.. We talked about it before. After me, Maggie, and Carol were taken and got back."

Nanami wraps her into another hug, this one softer like he'd squish the baby.

"I thought I lost everything of Ry. But, I didn't," she smiles through her tears, "I'm gonna be a whole ass mom."

"That's fuckin' crazy."

"Isn't it?" she giggles as they stop hugging, "Kinda freaked out. Doing this on my own."

"I mean, I'm brother- uncle, I guess.. But, you know that if you need anything, I've got your back, right?"

"I do," she nods, "I know you're here. Rosita, dad, Michonne, Carol, Maggie, Glenn, Tara.. Everyone."

"Does dad know?"

"No. Only you, Rosita, Benjamin, Nabila, and Jerry."

"Do you want me there when you tell him?"

"I don't know if I should just yet."

"What do you mean?"

"If I tell him, he's gonna make me start sitting out on the sidelines."

"Well, no shit. You're pregnant, Kiko. You-" Nanami's eyes widen, suddenly aware of just how much she's done and been through, "Dude, you're fucking insane. You need to start relaxing and doing jack shit!"

"Not yet," Sakiko denies, "Negan killed Ryan. I have to see this through until the end. I have to see Negan die."

"That doesn't mean you have to be in the middle of everything-"

"No. I'm far from being in the spotlight. I just.." she sighs, "This baby.. I have to do it for them. Their dad is gone because of Negan. I can't bring them into this world until their father's murderer is dead."

Nanami didn't know what to say.

He knew Sakiko was angry, grieving, and vengeful.

But, he also knew that Carl had a point and that Rick was starting to get it, too.


It was dark when shit hit the fan.

"How did they get out?" Michonne asks.

Negan was outside the gate. He demanded apologies with the promise to kill one of them.

"Here's the plan," Carl begins.

"I'll go," Sakiko holds her hand up to him, "Before you say anything, I'll talk to Negan."

"No," Nanami denies at once.

"I'm valuable to him. Fuck if I know why, but I am."

"No, you and Rosita should get ready," Carl tells her.

"Ready how?"

"Get everyone together and to the sewers. Saviors don't know that it's clear down there. But, just to be safe, head down there and do a sweep to make sure there are no walkers. Station up and get ready to bunker down for the night."

LOYAL [TWD] (third book to TROUBLE)Where stories live. Discover now