part XIII

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"-sightings of Red Leader all over the city continue. It is advised that citizens stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity immediately."

"Thank you, Julie. Now for the questions everybody is asking: why has the Red Army returned? Will they go away? Does this mean the Blue Army will return as well? Stay tuned to-"

Tom shut off the television, grumbling about how much he hated the news. Behind the sofa stood you, unfinished cereal bowl in hand. The Red Army, along with its Red Leader, had made a sudden reappearance in the world, causing destruction and mild chaos wherever they went. You vaguely recalled learning about the war and the armies in class. You never did pay much attention to history lessons.

"You're gonna be late for the bus!" Edd called by the door, holding a can of cola.

"I'm not ready!" You panicked. You slurped down the rest of the bowl, placed it in the sink, and hurriedly rushed to grab your backpack. You swung it around one shoulder and ran past Edd, who had tried to give you a hug goodbye, out the door to catch the bus.

It was just starting to leave when you reached the bus doors. You made your way up the abnormally steep steps and headed for your regular seat. As you plopped down and sighed, the person in the opposite seat tossed you a textbook.

"Chapters three and four." It was your friend, Olivia.


She huffed, "I knew you'd forget! We have a test today so you better start reading up."

"Oh." You paused, "Thanks, Ollie, you're the best."

"Yes, I know, I know." The strawberry blonde smiled, acting all posh.

"Wait, we have a test today?" Someone from the seat behind you perked his head up and peered over your seat.

"Yes, Oliver." Olivia sighed and grabbed yet another textbook out of her backpack and tossed it to her brother. Oliver and Olivia were twins. You called them the Olives.

You took a moment to be amused at the sibling bickering that continued, then opened the book and started reading.

It had been just over two years since Tord had left and Puppy had died. Nothing was quite the same with them gone.

At this point, you were convinced that Tord had up and left you for good and that he was never coming back. You'd ransacked his room the day after he left, only to find absolutely nothing. No personal belongings, no notes or clues, nothing. It was like he never existed in the first place. You missed him.

There was no way to reach him, of course. His phone number didn't seem to exist anymore and any other way to contact him had disappeared off the face of the earth without so much as a trace.

In a strange way, you had almost come to accept the fact that Tord was just... gone. There wasn't much else you could do but accept it.

The bus slowed to a halt and you looked up from the textbook, not really confident you had understood anything. You handed it back to your friend and shuffled out of your seat and off the bus. There was your school in all its... might? Glory? You sighed and shook your head, adjusted your backpack around your shoulder, then headed to class.

It was going to be a long day.


You hopped off the bus and waved goodbye to Olivia and Oliver, both of whom were hanging partially out the windows, waving back.

"Text me later!" Olivia shouted.

"Will do!" You yelled back as the bus drove away. You checked the mailbox to find a handwritten letter with an odd, red stamp. It was addressed to you. That was odd. You never got mail. You waited until you were inside to open it.

(REWRITE) Lost & Found: Eddsworld x Child!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now