part III

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You usually had nightmares instead of dreams. You had a lot to dream of, however: more food, a better place to sleep, maybe even getting Lulu repaired, she was very broken down by now.

You chuckled to yourself, in between sleep and awareness, no way is that ever going to happen. You shivered, it was freezing, even with the blanket. You felt the slow, steady breathing of Puppy beside you and felt comforted.

"Good boy," You yawned, "Good night..."

You fell asleep.


You managed to flatten out an area in the pasture to make a circle. Stones and twigs were scattered around for "decoration". You would need guests if this were going to be a party.

You hummed, thinking, maybe we could get the band to play! You turned to Lulu, who was patiently sitting on the ground. "Lulu! You have to play music for us!"

Lulu, unfortunately, did not. That was alright though, you could just sing a song yourself. You started to hum a song you vaguely remembered hearing from your father's radio. It was a bittersweet melody, though poorly rendered through the abstraction of your memory.

You marched to your imagined beat just like your brother had shown you, waving some stick around like a baton. You soon grew tired of marching, however, and wanted to dance!

"C'mon Lulu," You exclaimed, "dance!"

Lulu did not dance but instead fell over, which was good enough. You helped her up and twirled her around in a circle, laughing and singing.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N), where are you?" You heard a voice call your name from not far away.

It was your older brother. You could hear him making his way through the tall grass, searching for you.

"I'm over here!" You called back, "I'm having a party!"

He poked his head out of the tall grass and grinned his stupid grin. "May I join you?"


Puppy was worried for his friend. They were sick and getting worse, though they weren't aware of that themself. He didn't want to leave them, but he also didn't want them to get sicker. He needed to find help, somehow.

He could leave them for just a little bit and come back with help, he decided. He set off, old bones aching.

The streets were mostly empty, except for a few late-night walkers. He recognized one of them, a man in a red hoodie from before, smoking a cigarette. He was with the black-eyed man that scared his friend.

He decided to take the chance and walk up to him, putting on his best show. please understand me, he hoped. He barked playfully at the man.

"Oh, hey buddy." The man said to him. He kept walking and Puppy barked louder, trying to tug at his hoodie.

"Hey, quit that!"

Puppy whined, trying to get it across that he was asking for help. He grabbed onto the man's sleeve and pulled lightly in the direction of his friend. The man furrowed his brows, but he didn't say anything.

The dog pulled more on the man's sleeve with little resistance. He took this as an understanding and let go, leading the man to where his friend was. Puppy looked behind himself every so often to make sure that the man was still following, and, sure enough, he was.

The two reached where his friend was sleeping. They seemed disturbed, shaking and rolling in their sleep.

"Oh shit."  The man exclaimed. He was surprised by the sight, not sure what to do. 

(REWRITE) Lost & Found: Eddsworld x Child!Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن