part XII

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You woke up with a start, feeling like something was wrong. You looked around, Lulu was sitting down next to you, Puppy was in another room somewhere, and your room was messy but seemed intact, what could be wrong? It was still dark outside, you checked your phone to see that it was about 4:30 AM.

Faint chatter sounded from the other side of the otherwise completely silent house. You decided you wanted to see what was going on. Maybe it was Tord, up early again. Sometimes you would chat with him, just the two of you in the early morning. Those times were nice.

You stumbled out of bed and made your way to the living room to see Edd and Matt gathered at the front door, seemingly worried or sad or whatever.

"What's going on?" You asked, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.

They both turned around to face you, pity showing plainly on their faces.

"He didn't end up telling you?" Matt asked, frowning.

"Tell me what?" You were confused.

"Tord's leaving," Edd murmured solemnly.


He stepped aside and gestured out the front door. There was Tord, packing his things in the trunk of his car. You both made eye contact.

You wanted to ask him what he was doing, why he was packing up. You wanted to run after him and convince him to stay.

After a moment, he turned away and hopped in the driver's seat, then drove off.

And that was it. He was gone. You didn't know why he left. You didn't know why he would ever want to. Maybe you weren't good enough, maybe he didn't actually care about you. You didn't know what to think or do.

You stayed there at the door for nearly the entire day, just looking on. The sun rose and the rain cleared. Edd brought you your favorite hot drink, Matt tried to cheer you up with Lulu, and Tom tried to convince you that they were all better off without Tord.

"That commie bastard was never any good for us, anyway." His voice was bitter.

You didn't reply. You just sat outside the door, wrapped in the blanket Edd had given you. After a moment, you spoke.

"Do you think he'll come back?"

"I hope not," Tom sneered. He then took a second to see that you were really struggling with this and sighed, "I'm not sure, kid. I'm not sure."


Edd was driving. You sat in the back with Puppy and Matt. Tom was in the front, looking out the window. You were going to the veterinarian. Puppy had an appointment.

Edd had already taken him to the vet before, a day or so after Tord left. Time was becoming a sort of a blur for you.

The vet had given Puppy some medicine to help him feel better, but he wasn't going to actually get better.

Puppy was dying. There wasn't anything that could be done to stop or even delay it. You were on your way to his final visit to the vet. You had promised yourself you'd stay calm for him, that you'd keep your composure and act like everything was normal.

The others had told you that it was natural, that Puppy was old and it was just his time to go. You didn't want to believe it, yet here you were, in the car, on your way to put your dog to sleep for good.

You scratched under his ears, where he lay his head on your lap, dreaming. Puppy knew that he dying. He was fine with that. He didn't want to leave you, of course, but he had accepted his fate. He just hoped they had treats wherever he was headed.

(REWRITE) Lost & Found: Eddsworld x Child!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now