part V

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Tord walked into the living room to see both the kid and Tom asleep on the sofa, leaning on one another. He sighed and grabbed some blankets, tucking one in gently around the little one and tossing the other onto Tom. The kid stirred from their sleep and opened their eyes, a nervousness overcoming them.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep..." They yawned. "Puppy's still outside."

"That's alright, I'll let him in. You just get some rest." Tord said, "Goodnight."

The kid blinked slowly, as if considering something.

"Goodnight." They whispered back, snuggling into Tom's shoulder. At some point in this interaction, Edd had wandered into the room and witnessed the out-of-character act of kindness.

"I didn't know you were good with kids." He remarked.

"Neither did I," Tord answered truthfully.

He walked over to the door and let Puppy in, who was patiently waiting on the concrete. He couldn't help but feel like he had known the kid in some convoluted sense of familiarity.

"Something wrong?" Edd asked, sensing his uneasiness, "And don't say no, something's up with you."

Tord sighed, "It's nothing, really."

Edd gave him a look.

"Ugh, fine. I just... I don't know," He struggled to find his words, "It's just that something feels different about this kid and I don't know what to think of it. There, happy?"

"Enough." Edd shrugged.

"Great, now go to your room or something."

"You need sleep too, y'know."

"Ok, mother."

"Whatever. G'night."



"So you don't have a name?" Matt pondered, "Never even thought about it?"

You shrugged, you'd never really considered naming yourself. You were in the kitchen, eating your breakfast cereal.

"Well, what name would you like?" Tord asked.

Matt and Edd jumped at the opportunity and started suggesting names left and right. Tord brought up a baby names website and Tom just kinda stood there, mildly amused at the chaos around him.

"AHA!" Matt exclaimed and you jumped, "Matt Jr.! Matt Jr. should be their name, named after yours truly!"

You weren't so sure about that. "Eh, not really-"

"That's stupid, Matt!" Edd bopped him in the back of the head, "It should obviously be Edd the Second, after me."

Not that one either. Puppy trotted over to your chair and plopped himself under the table, sighing. Tord kept listing off random names he saw on "most popular baby names for 20XX" and acting like each and everyone was a perfect fit. He soon got bored and started reciting Norwegian names, none of which really stuck.

"What about...(Y/N)?" Tom suggested.

Huh. You considered it, feeling it roll off your tongue, "(Y/N). (Y/N)... I think I like it."

"Really?" Tom seemed genuinely surprised, like he hadn't been that serious. The rest of the boys stopped talking, each testing the name on their own.

"I mean, I think that it fits," Edd said. The rest agreed with him.

You felt a strange warmth bubble in your chest and smiled.

"(Y/N)! My name is (Y/N)!" You cheered.


"Oh, (Y/N)," Matt said, "I've finished cleaning up your lamb doll."

"Really?" You asked, excited at the idea of having Lulu back in your arms.

"Yep, hold on, let me go get her." He left the living room to go fetch Lulu.

You sat on the sofa, fidgeting impatiently. It had been a while since you'd even seen her, let alone held her. You wondered what she looked like now. She was always at least a little messed up as far as you remembered, with dirt and whatnot scattered across her fabric.

"Close your eyes!" Matt shouted from the hallway.

You did so. "They're closed!"

You heard footsteps enter the room and you were filled to the brim with anticipation.

"Okay, open on the count of three," Matt announced, "One... two... three!"

You opened your eyes to see Matt holding up Lulu, looking as good as new. Her wool was all fluffy and clean, she was no longer missing an eye, and her loose stitches were renewed! You ran over to hold her and gasped, realizing just how soft she was now.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" You squealed and hugged Lulu.

"Oh, it's nothing! I just–"

You hugged Matt, which surprised him a bit. It surprised you, too. He paused for a second, then hugged you back. You felt all warm inside again and smiled.

"Thank you!" You said again, letting go.

"No problem, (Y/N)."


"So. Let's do a recap on current events, shall we?" Edd said, grabbing his notebook, "Okay, so in order, we have: Tom scared kid, Tord found sick kid when out on a walk, he brought them home and they rested until healthy. We collectively agreed on the name (Y/N) for them, Tom fell asleep with them on the sofa, Tord is being weird, and yeah that's pretty much it."

"Ooh! Ooh!" Matt raised his hand as if he were in a classroom.

"Yes, Matt." Edd sighed.

"I fixed their lamb doll!" He announced proudly, "They also gave me a hug, so I think we can all agree that I'm the favorite."

"You, the favorite?" Tord said, "I'm the one who brought them here!"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Tord." Tom retorted. Tord swung around and glared at him.

"Hey, hey, we are not arguing about who's their favorite!" Edd interrupted them, not wanting to have to witness another fight, "We need to figure out what to do with them."

The room grew solemn.

"Well, what is there to do?" Tom brought up, "It's not like we have very many options."

"We could let them stay here indefinitely or we could send them to a homeless shelter, or an orphanage," Edd replied, slowing down as he spoke.

"We can't just make them leave, can we?" Matt said, worried, "That just seems wrong."

"You're right, Matt, it does." Tord shot a glare in Edd's direction.

"Hey, they've grown on me too, okay? I'm not sure I'd be comfortable sending them anywhere, either." He said, "But are we really ready to take care of a kid?"

Tom sighed. "You all are too indecisive, I say just let them stay. We'll figure it out as we go like we always do."

It wasn't the most solid plan, but hell, it could work out. They all looked at each other, seemingly agreeing that Tom was right (to some extent).

"Fuck it, let's go for it." Edd caved.


alright alright. this one was a bit all over the place, my bad. hope you liked it anyway :)) love yall <3

1028 words

written 11/4/22 - 11/6/22

published 11/23/2022

(REWRITE) Lost & Found: Eddsworld x Child!ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt