part II

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"Can we go explore?" You asked your mother, who was sitting on the picnic cloth, reading her book. She looked up and smiled.

"Sure, hon. Just don't go too far!"

You giggled gleefully and held up Lulu, bounding away from the boring picnic. The sandwiches had been good, though. You figured that you could set up your own little party with your own food. The food would have to be mud, of course, but it would still be good regardless.

Just beyond the picnic hill was a golden pasture, the perfect place for a party. You hummed a song you faintly remember your parents dancing together to and bee-lined your way for the soon-to-be party place.

"Come on, Lulu! We gotta get ready for the party!"


Life hadn't been great. Today marked two years since you and Puppy had found this city. It was getting colder and colder every day, food was never certain, shelter was rare, and kindness was next to nonexistent.

If you and Puppy put on a display of "poor, sad, helpless little kid and their dog", sometimes the passing stranger would throw a few coins your way. You had nowhere to keep the money though, so it usually ended up stolen or lost.

Now, you were sat in a cold, damp alleyway. You had gathered a few ripped blankets to keep Puppy, Lulu, and yourself at least a little warm. Each of you had gotten rather scrawny looking, overall not in the best condition. Your stomach growled and Puppy looked up from his sleep.

"Come on, Puppy. We gotta go find some food." You told him, patting his head.

You never really put much thought into why this dog had stayed with you all this time. It just seemed right. You grabbed Lulu and headed out of the alley, keeping a blanket wrapped around your body like a cloak, or a cape. The cool, fall air whipped it around all movie-like.

You imagined that you were Batman, or maybe some supervillain, with that blanket. Playing pretend made things seem just a little bit better.

You and Puppy started your walk towards the local grocery store, maybe to go dumpster diving, maybe to steal something, either way, you were out to get some food.

When you made it to the local grocery store, you spotted a boy a little younger than you, holding a bag of cheese and crackers, and without any grownups around. He was just outside of the store doors, seemingly waiting for his grownup to come get him. You looked to Puppy and told him the plan.

"Okay, so, you need to go up to that kid and distract him, while I sneak up and steal his bag, alright?" You whispered.

Puppy let out a low ruff and you took that as the dog equivalent of a nod, and let him walk towards the boy.

The boy took an immediate interest in the dog, exclaiming as it walked up to him.

"Hi, doggy!"

Perfect, you thought, starting to sneak up behind the kid's back. Puppy did a very puppy-like whine and the boy started petting him.

"Good doggy, aww you're so cute!"

Closer, just a little closer and i'll go for it. You crept ever closer to the boy, eyes locked on the bag. Once close enough, you leaped for the bag and ran.

"Sorry, gotta have this!" You yelled to the kid now behind you, "Come on, Puppy, let's go!"

The boy cried and Puppy barked, starting to run as well, dragging behind just a little bit. He was old when you met him, and getting dangerously older every day. You didn't like to think about his age too much.

Once you had reached an alley where you could safely eat without being bothered, you split the crackers with Puppy and made sure he ate all of it before eating your own. You had what was left.

Your eyes flickered and you realized that you were currently fighting the urge to fall asleep. You figured that the both of you should head to your usual spot before it got too dark. You tightened your grip on Lulu's arm and said, "Come on, let's head back."

Puppy let out a groan and begrudgingly stood up, some bones cracking as he did so. You laughed a little, more out of sympathy than amusement. "It's okay, boy, we'll take it slow."

You had your head faced down, not really looking where you were going.

"Hey, watch it, kid!" You bumped into a man and he snapped at you. You whipped your head up to face him only to see that he had jet-black eyes, not just his pupils, but his whole eye. You couldn't even see his pupils, but you knew that he was staring at you.

Fearful, you uttered a quick "Sorry!" and ran off for your alley, Puppy not far behind you.


"Great going, Tom!" Tord smirked, "That's the third one this week!"

Tom glared at him, mumbling something incomprehensible. Edd and Matt caught up to the two from behind them.

"What happened?" Edd asked, confused.

"Jehovah's Witness here just scared off another little kid," Tord answered before Tom could get a word in, "They were a real sad-looking one too."

Edd shot Tom a glare, "Really, Tom? Another one?"

"Hey! They just looked at me and ran off!" He defended himself, "I didn't do anything!"

"Oh really, is that how it happened?" Tord retorted. Tom consequently kicked him in the leg.

"I don't know about you guys but I look amazing in this new mirror, don't ya think?" Matt held up his new hand-held mirror and admired himself, completely oblivious to (or just ignoring) the conversation, as per usual.

Edd sighed, "Okay, we should really be heading back home now."

The rest agreed with him.


there you go! hope you enjoyed it, love you <3

song credits: today today by jack stauber

817 ish words

written 10/29/2022

published 11/20/2022

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