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I woke up to finding myself in Forth's arms in bed. Over our blissful evening, we had thankfully made the sensible decision to move to the bed.

It was around 6am the next morning when I finally stirred awake. It was a Thursday only and I still had classes. I turned to look at Forth who was sleeping deeply. I carefully inched away so I could get out of bed to get ready for work but Forth woke up and pulled me back.

"Where are you going? Its still early."

"I got work Forth. I start at 9am. Its 6am already."

"P, don't go to worrrrrkkkkkkkkk."

I flicked Forth's head playfully, chastising him for being so reckless. He laughed as he let go of me.

"But you stay at home and rest. Do you understand? I don't want to see you out and about. Don't make me angry Forth."

Forth grinned cheekily at me but promised to behave and stay at home. I kissed his head one last time before I got ready for work. As I was getting ready, I saw Forth checking me out. I smiled and just shook my head as I dressed myself. I went over to him and he sat up.

"Eat something and rest well. I text you later in between when I have breaks."

"Then after work......?"

"I will come back here ok? Wait for me na."

Forth nodded cheerfully and I leaned in for a final peck before I left. As I was heading to the university, I saw Nine. I clenched my fists but decided to ignore him and just continued walking. But fucker has it in for me. He stopped me with a smirk.

"Going somewhere Kong?"

"Move Nine. I have nothing to say to you."

"You may not. But I do. Is that boy toy of yours still alive?"

"Nine!" So much for holding onto my temper. I lost it. I punched Nine squarely in his face. He fell. I was about to punch him again when some juniors who were passing by held me back. I kicked him before moving away.

"Do not let me catch you near him or me again. Especially him. If I do, you have no idea what I will do. Just because I'm nice doesn't mean I'm quiet. There is no way I'm letting you lay another hand on Forth, Nine. Stay the fuck away from him."

I snarled at him and turned away, only to come face to face with Forth's dad who was standing about 20cm away. Shoot. I closed my eyes and pinched my nose bridge in frustration. I opened my eyes and he was still there. Nine stood up and I heard him yell, "Let me just see how long you can protect him. You think you can be by his side forever?!"

Ah fuck whatever Forth's dad thought. I turned and was about to go punch Nine when I was held back by someone. I turned to look and realize it was Forth's dad.


"He's not worth your trouble, boy. Let the barking dog bark."

I just kept quiet and let him pull me away. We walked in silence towards the faculty building. At the entrance, I turned to him.

"Are you here to see Forth?"

"I am. Wanted to make sure my boy is OK. I wanted to ask him if he wanted to come home and rest. But looks like he has you to look after him and you seem to be doing a good job. I'm sorry about the other day."

"It's ok uncle. Its not your fault. Forth is your son after all. I can understand."

Uncle nodded and asked me where i was off. I said I was off to work but Forth was in the dorm. I asked him if he wanted me to let Forth know so that he can be ready for him.

"Well if you calling him means my son will be less naked and more put together, then yes please."

"Uncle!" My face blushed terribly when he said that. He laughed at my expression, patted my shoulders and said he would see me soon. I nodded and went off, calling Forth on the way. My heart felt abit more at ease knowing Forth's dad wasn't angry at me anymore.

My day ended around 7pm and I joined Forth and his parents for dinner at a nearby restaurant. I waiied respectfully to them and sat next to Forth who held onto my hand and squeezed it briefly as a hello.

I smiled at him and we had our dinner. Whilst eating, something that Forth's dad said made me choke.

"So, who wears the pants in the relationship?"


"Ok that came out wrong. Who's doing who?"

"Omg Por! Stop it!!" Forth spluttered incoherently in 1st degree embarrassment. My face just blushed red and I kept it down. Forth's mum scolded her husband for teasing us.

The two old people had a good laugh at our expense. I just looked at them and asked quietly, "are you truly ok with me dating your son?"

His parents looked at us for a long while before Forth's father replied.

"There are many things I fault my son over and often question his decision. But if there's 1 thing I trust him wholeheartedly on, is the fact to pick the right one for his heart. For you see this boy, loves as fiercely as he wants to be loved and I know he will only pick someone his heart deserves and vice versa. So yes, to us, you are the best choice and based on what I seen so far, no one else I would trust my son with."

Ah shit, tears threatened to flood my eyes hearing that. I put my head down and nodded. Forth held onto my hand and leaned over to kiss me on my head, murmuring his love.

My heart just did a flip at this warmth and love coursing through me.

Hearts to the end (ForthxKongpob) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now