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I washed the dishes and turned to see Kong who was busy on the phone. I dried my hands on the cloth and hung it up.

I walked over to Kong who sat on the couch and patted the spot next to him. I sat next to him and watched some TV on a low volume. But it had been a long day and I ended up dozing off. I abruptly woke up around 3am and found myself on the couch on something soft covered with a blanket. I tried to sit up and realized that I had been sleeping on Kong's lap. He was sleeping, his head tilted towards the right hand side. I just looked at him and chuckled softly. I took the blanket and covered him with it whilst I went to get a smoke.

I was enjoying a smoke when I heard Kong's voice. I quickly stubbed it out and tried to swish my hands around trying to clear the air desperately.

"It's fine Forth. I can't smoke but its ok if occasionally I come across smoke. How come you woke up?"

"I don't know. I just woke up suddenly. I should get going. I'm sorry to have fallen asleep."

Kong beckoned me over. I went over to him and he held my ear and twisted it! "It's fucking 4am Forth! Just sleep here ok?"

I nodded my head quickly and then Kong let go. He just flicked my head affectionately and told me to take the bed whilst he took e couch. He turned to walk away and I held onto his hand.

'We can sleep on the same bed na? It's big enough P."

Kong looked at me for a bit before nodding in agreement. We slept on the bed on each side, facing each other. We made small talk until we fell asleep. The next day was a Saturday and we had no classes so we could afford to sleep in. I woke up around 10am to find Kong missing. I sat up, rubbing sleep out of my eyes tiredly and looked around. The room was empty.

Where did he go, leaving me here? I took my phone and called him but he didn't answer. I kept trying and trying but it didn't go through after a while. I got so worried that I quickly got a shower and then was about to get my shoes to go find him when he came in.

"P! WHERE DID YOU GO?!" My voice raised like a few notches at him in fright and worry!

Kong was calm like a cucumber. "Sorry, I had gone to get breakfast for us both. My phone battery was dying which was why I couldn't answer. I thought I could be back before you woke up."

I sighed. I sat down for a bit, catching my breath, very much aware on how scared I had become for a bit when I realized Kong was missing because I had really thought Nine had gotten hold of him. Kong put down the food next to me and kneeled in front of me. He caressed my face softly.

"It's ok na. I'm sorry."

"I caught Nine staring stonily away at you after I had chased him away. Ever since then I been so worried and you, you not answering my calls made me so frightened you know?"

I just shot out whatever had been on my mind. I cupped my face and tried to breathe a bit. Just then, I felt Kong's arms go around me. He held onto me tightly assuring he is ok, will be ok and he would be careful. He finally pulled away from me and took my hands away, revealing my face. We just looked at each other in silence for a while. I realized after a bit I was prolly looking at him too deeply so I jsut cleared my throat and stood up.

Kong stood up with me but when I tried to walk away, he held onto my hand tightly. I looked at him, my face starting to redden. I'm only brave when I'm fighting for my friends. Otherwise I'm quite the mouse and Lam and Park know that. What was this man doing, holding onto my hands and causing me to blush irrevocably?



Kong shook his head, smiling, just apologising again. I nodded and I turned away, my heart beating fast over what he had just done. If I had looked a little closer at Kong, I would have realized he was feeling the exact same way.

Hearts to the end (ForthxKongpob) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now