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I rubbed my eyes quickly before anyone saw the tears. I turned around and put on my stoic face as usual. Nobody had realized anything as they were all busy but Kong was still there. And he did not leave at all.

He stood there, in one corner of the field the entire time, under the hot sun as we completed Sotus. My eyes dimmed a bit seeing himself go through that. I desperately wanted Sotus to end earlier so I can put him out of the sun but we had an agenda. So finally, 3 hours later, we were done. At least I had water breaks but Kong had none. By the time everyone cleaned up and left, it was about 6pm. I was exhausted myself. I thought Kong would have left when we were cleaning up but I turned around and was about to leave when I saw Kong still waiting there patiently. I sighed softly. This guy was just as bad as I was.

I took my bag and walked towards him. He walked towards me and met me midway. Kong reached out for my bag. I held onto it for a few seconds hesitating before handing it over. He carried it instead and took my hand. I looked at him confused but he didn't say anything. He had brought his car and gave me a ride back to my dorm. Just as I was about to get out, he held onto my hand.

I sat back and turned to see his hand on mine. I was about to grip his hand tightly when he uttered the last piece of news I wanted to hear.

"My lecturer called me earlier about the overseas study opportunity. Its a 1 year course in Munich, fully paid for and I get a monthly study allowance and an apartment too."

I held back from holding his hand. And before I could say anything, or take my hand away, "But I rejected it. It's a good offer but I got an equally good job offer right here in Thailand too with a German company. So I will be taking that. It also keeps me near you."

I looked at Kong hesitantly. "P.."

"You were right Forth. I kept swaying on my words but it was only because you were this important to me. I just didn't know how to put a label to it. But earlier, it hit me. Your tears gave me the answer I needed. I love you Forth. I'm just sorry I took this long to tell you this. I'm sorry I made you cry before I told you this."

I kept silent, stunned. I wasn't expecting that. His hand was still on mine. I just looked at it before clasping his hand tightly in return. I looked at Kong who smiled at me and leaned in to kiss me.

Just as he was about to do so, someone knocked on his window. He groaned and turned and realized it was Arthit. He grinned cheekily at us.

I sighed softly and got out, my face starting to redden. Kong got out too and was nagging at Arthit for interrupting him. They had a short conversation before Arthit went off. I waiied to Arthit who smiled at me and left. Kong turned to me, "I guess I make a move yea?"

I looked at Kong for a long bit before walking over. I dropped my bag on the floor as I grabbed him in for a kiss. I kissed Kong, there and then. I held onto him tightly, as I pulled away from the kiss. Kong's face was flushed red. My cheeks weren't any better either.

"Come up P. Ok?"

Kong nodded his head, leaned in to kiss me softly, murmuring that he will park the car and come back. I nodded and went up, keeping my things away and took a quick shower. Just as I came out, I heard knocks on the door. I hurried over to open the door and saw Kong standing there. But there was a shift in his facial expression when he saw me standing there, wet and clad in a towel only.

His eyes glittered abit and he scanned me from top to toe. "Stop looking at me like that. I do that to people and you do it to me?" I chuckled softly.

But bad move. Kong narrowed his eyes when he heard that and stepped in, closing the door behind him.

"Scanning people is fine. But knowing you have stepped in front of them looking like this is disturbing me."

With every word, he stepped closer and closer to me.



"Don't do this. Look I don't appear in front of everyone like this. I just.."


He cornered me and backed me up against the wall. My back hit the wall and Kong held onto my wrists tightly, pinning me to the wall. He leaned in slowly, kissing me softly, biting me near my neck. I hissed softly, as Kong released my wrist to pull my towel off. He pressed against me hard as he kissed me.

I moaned his name softly as he took me in his hands. Kong steered me towards the couch and we both fell onto it, in a haze of lust and bliss. Hours later, I stirred awake, only to find myself on the couch, covered by a blanket and Kong missing. But this time I saw a note on the table.

Just as I read it, the door opened and Kong walked in. I looked back at the note again; "Went to buy food. Will be back soon. Miss me, xoxo K."

I just looked up at Kong who smirked at me. I just smiled and leaned back as he joined me on the couch again. He leaned against me and I hugged him tight, kissing his head softly.


"Yea Forth?"

"I love you na.."

"Love you too Forth."

"Will you be there for me, no matter what?"

"Of course. Why do you ask that?"


"Is it because of what had happened with your dad?"

I kept quiet. "I will never put you in a position where you have to pick between me and him. But I will also never give you up Forth."

I looked down at Kong who looked up at me and leaned up to kiss me deeply. I smiled into the kiss, biting onto his lips softly as he kissed me, sparking another round of lovemaking.

Hearts to the end (ForthxKongpob) (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora