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I bought lunch for myself and Kong. I left the pack at his dorm and went off to mine.

Since I was done with my work, I decided to game for a bit. I was in the thick of the game when I heard knocks on my door. I opened it only to find Lam standing there ashy faced.

"You ok? What happened?"

"Park.. Park.."

"What about Park?"

"He got into a motorbike accident. And skidded off road badly. He's in the hospital now. They just called me. He had put me as his emergency contact."

"Shit. Which one?! Come on, let's go. Let me grab my wallet ok."

I grabbed my keys and wallet and we flew down. Just as we reached the entrance, we bumped into Aim and Kong. I collided straight into Kong who thankfully held onto me.

"Forth, where are you rushing to so manically?!"

"P. Park got into an accident. Its quite a bad one. So.."

Kong's eyes opened big. He told me and Lam to get into his car and that he would drive us. We hesitated a wee second before nodding our heads. Aim tagged along too. Lam and I sat at the back and I peered at Lam anxiously who had the same ashy stone look throughout. As much as he hated to admit, I know Park had a soft spot in his heart. So the misery and agony must be getting to him. I just patted his hands as we went to the hospital. Once we got to the hospital, Lam flew out of the car. Aim followed closely after. I was stunned but decided to wait for Kong or else he be left alone. We rushed to the A&E, where we heard Park was in surgery. What the fuck. Lam collapsed on a chair when he heard that. I knew he was truly traumatised. We had to tell his parents.

I informed Park's parents whilst we awaited the news. They came down soon after and it was a pool of us. I had informed the boys in the group chat and everyone was anxiously waiting the results. The doctor came out about 3 hours later and said Park was safely out of surgery but needed recuperation. Only then, did I see everyone heave a sigh of relief and Lam broke down. From the agony and stress of it all. He just fucking broke down. I held onto him tightly, as he cried.

I was holding back my own fears and tears to be strong for Lam but the fact was that Park was incredibly close to us and his accident got me just as worried as Lam. Finally, Park was wheeled to the general ward and Lam and his parents followed. I decided to wait back abit, updating the boys and giving these people their space. Only then, it hit me that Kong was still there. Aim had left much earlier as he had some work issues to settle.

"P... why are you still here?"

"It's ok. I wanted to make sure you are ok. Are you?"

I looked at him and nodded, my eyes a little too bright but I refused to shed shit. Kong looked at me curiously but didn't say a word. He just nodded and said he would wait for me and then send me back. I just kept quiet, waiting for my turn to see Park.

I finally saw him 30 minutes later and he was hooked upto tubes and drips. He was all bandaged up and doped up but he was nevertheless alive and that was very much important. I spent some time and told his parents I would be back with his things and Lam's who refused to leave his side.

I went out and saw Kong still waiting there patiently. He stood up when he saw me, casting me a soft smile. I tried to smile back but it was a bit hard because of how I was feeling so I am sure my stony as fuck face came out but yet Kong wasn't fazed. He sent me back and our journey back was quiet.

It was quiet but peaceful and not awkward. However, then a call flitted in for Kong who chose to answer it hands free. And that was the catalyst that prolly erupted everything.

"Hey what's up Sharp?"

"Brooooooo, guess what. So earlier, you sent me a video. That's such good footage."

"Huh what video? You mean the one of the kid at the debate? Slick right?"

"What kid?! Stop feigning stupid Kong! The one of Forth sleep talking. Omg how did you even get such good footage? The next time that fellow acts all punk and ghetto with us, we can use that as our blackmail. Slick right?!"

My blood ran cold when I heard that. I am sure Kong's did too as he drove to the side and halted to a stop. He quickly ended the call and checked his Line and realized he had shared the wrong video on the Line group chat. 50 ex students had a video of me sleep talking.

I just looked stonily at Kong who tried to talk and I just got out of the car. I was fucking done with this fellow. I walked away and Kong came after me.

"Forth. It's not what you think. I did take the video but it wasn't meant for circulation! I accidentally sent the wrong video."

"Fuck it Kong. Thanks. You just proven what an ass you can be. Guess, you really have it in for me, huh? Hope this makes you feel better."

I walked away as I heard Kong sputter after me. I was boiling mad. If I stayed there even a minute longer, I would have punched the shit out of him.

And here I was, thinking he was a nice guy. Fucker.

Hearts to the end (ForthxKongpob) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now