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I just looked at the things Forth had bought and a blush just overcame me. I looked at his retreating back and hoped we can make amends.

The next day was his final day of suspension. I went to the library but he wasn't there. I guess he was done with his work. I did some research, went for classes and around 5, was coming back when I saw him at the basketball court with some friends. I didn't say anything and just watched him play for a while. Not wanting to seem creepy, I took off and went to buy dinner. Just as I had my dinner and was wrapping up things about an hour later, Forth walked to the same stall with Lam and Park. All 3 boys waiied to me whilst Park and Lam came over to make conversation. Forth was focused on finding a seat. My eyes flicked over to him as he ignored me. I sighed. Lam caught it and just shook his head. He said that what I had done was dumb but he does believe that I had no intention of posting it. However he said Forth is just caught up in his emotions and to give him time. I nodded, casting an eye over to Forth again. Just then Lam called Forth over.

"Hey come sit here."

"Huh? But I found a table."

"Don't be an idiot. Park and I are already here so just come here. Plus anyways this is a bigger table."

Before Forth could say anything, Park dragged Forth over and made him sit next to me. I was actually done but Lam glared at me and I didn't dare move. Lam ordered food for himself and Park. Forth cast a dirty look towards him and placed his own order. Lam ordered a dessert for me and I stared at him dumbfounded. He glared at me again and I kept quiet.

We had the meal, chatting. When I mean chatting, Forth ignored me all over again whilst the 2 boys chatted with us.

"P, is the dessert nice?"

"Hmm yea. Do you want me to get you a bowl?"

"Can I just try from yours?"

Park glared at Lam. Forth was just looking at Lam as if he was stupid. I was stunned. I mean I wasn't exactly the smartest but even I could tell, that Lam sharing food with me wasn't going to sit well with Park. I was about to say no when Forth grabbed my hand that held the dessert. He ate directly from my hand as I was holding the spoon.

"It's nice. You go buy your own. Ask your boyfriend to buy for you. Stop stealing P's. He's sharing with me anyways."

What the fuck was going on?! I could see Park getting low key pissed. He stood up to go order for Lam whilst Lam just chuckled and went after him, leaving me and Forth at the table. Forth went back to his food. I looked over at Forth and couldn't help it. I slid my hands over and patted him on his knee. He looked at me in shock.

"I'm sorry na. I really didn't mean to. I was only going to use it as a private joke between you and me. Never meant for the rest to see."

He looked at me but didn't say anything but he didn't push my hand away either so I took it as a good sign. Just then both boys came back. I didn't take my hand away as they couldn't see shit.

The odd part was, Forth didn't push it away either. I finished off my dessert with one hand on his knee and he had his food too. Once we were done, we all took off separately. Park was bringing Lam back to his dorm, muttering that Lam was so dead in his hands tonight. I jsut chuckled at this two love birds. I started walking towards the main road as I didn't bring my car but it wasn't too far off. It was a 20 minute walk, but in this cool weather, it was manageable.

Just then Forth rode by. He stopped the bike and offered me a ride. "Get on P. Its late plus you are making amends right? You can accept my ride for a start."

I laughed and got onto the bike. He dropped me off and I turned to him.

"Thanks Forth."

"No issue P. I'm back to classes tomorrow."

"Hmm I know. I'm TA for some of your classes so don't be surprised if you see me. Not spying, just doing my job."

Forth chuckled and nodded. I grabbed his hand as he was about to leave.

'Are we good?"

Forth looked at me for quite a while before finally nodding a yes. I smiled as he took off. I couldn't help but feel a flutter seeing this fellow.

Stop it ah Kong, crushing on someone who's 3 years your junior!

Hearts to the end (ForthxKongpob) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now