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I was gaming when the message flitted in from Nine with a picture of Forth holding onto me outside the bar.

All the message said was "New fuckboy, so yummy. He be next."

Fuck, that just riled me so much, I ended up throwing the phone. I be damned if Nine thinks I'm going to let him anywhere near Forth.

I stood up, hands clenched and pissed as fuck. Forth turned and came to me, picking my phone up on the way. He was stunned. The screen was abit cracked but he saw the message and I saw his eyes narrow. His fist clenched but he tried to rein himself in. He looked at me and could sense I was pissed.

Just then, Forth came closer to me and just grabbed me in a hug. "Breathe P, I'm here for you. Please don't be upset. You told me he isn't worth my anger. So is yours. He definitely isn't worth yours. And don't worry if he think he's got me. Please. I'm a fucking wolf. I don't know what the heck he is thinking."

I just leaned my head on his shoulder. I felt Forth grip me harder and muttered, "just hold onto me ok. Let me be there for you."

My arms finally went around Forth. I held onto him for a bit. We stayed like that for abit before we pulled away. Forth seemed to let go albeit reluctantly. I didn't say anything but to be honest, I wouldn't have minded holding onto him a little longer too but common sense came in and I let go.

We sat down and he just kept our phones away. He stuffed the controller in my hands and asked me to just game and let it go. I smiled at him and we continued gaming though occasionally my eyes flitted to the phone. Forth pushed my face away from that direction whenever he caught me looking. I chuckled at his exaggerated movements.

We gamed till about 2pm before we broke for lunch. We went out to have lunch when we bumped into Nine. Nine threw me a smirk as he walked towards me.

I tried to breathe and looked towards Forth who was busy in the minimart buying snacks. Nine lit his cigarette and took a deep breath and was about to blow it in my face when suddenly the cigarette was yanked out of his hands and snubbed out. I looked up to see Forth standing there, glaring at me. What the...

Forth's hand went around my waist automatically and he brought me in closer to him.

"Stay away from him. I swear I wouldn't hesitate to break your face.im letting you go because of him. But try coming near or touching him and you are dead." Forth uttered lowly.

Nine took a long hard look at us and wanted to say something but he saw the way Forth's hands were protective around me and how his other hand was clenched and he knew Forth wasn't messing around.

He just stepped back and walked away. Finally, I felt Forth's hand loosen around my waist. I looked at him and he apologised, "Sorry P. Wasn't taking liberties. I just wanted to protect you."

I didn't say anything but just nodded my head. He said he be back and went off to the minimart but I couldn't stop the stupid smile that came on the minute he left.

I just failed to realize that Nine was still watching me from a distance away. If I had been more careful, I wouldn't have smiled.


Hearts to the end (ForthxKongpob) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now