"THIS IS WHAT WE'RE ESCAPING ON!?" Phillip yelled in disbelief...
"This is what we have, so unless you'd rather run then get in!" Nick yelled back as he got in the driver seat...
I heard the door brake open and I hopped on the passenger seat while the others went in the back...
Then Nick hit the accelerator and we went out of the garage about 0 - 80 Km in 4 seconds...
"What the hell did you do to this Cooper?!"
"Something Awesome!" John answered as I hear a shot go through the side mirror, I looked up and saw the Sergeant trying to hit us but his aim was garbage, soon we were out of his range...
"EEPAAAAA-HA-HA-HA!!" Lucas yelled in excitement due to the thrill of driving fast...
I just chuckled at his behaviour...
"Don't get too excited Luca, we ain't out of the woods yet..." Khan said as he looked back...
"Speaking of which, I heard what happen before we got away... 'I'm Ruin' huh?" Phillip asked as he looked at me...
"Well we can't give them our actual names can we?" I replied...
"But we sure you want re-open that wound?" John said as we made our way out of the station road going downhill into town...
"We need to use our old code names from back in training, so you know the story, for all they know, I'm Ruin, Lucas is Frost, John is Trigger, Khan is Nekro, Nick is Copper and Phillip is Visage..."
"Just like old times huh, *stomach growls* perdon, do we have anything to nip on?" Lucas asked us...
"No but it reminds me, how much fuel do we have?" I said to Nick...
"About half the tank..."
"Go to the gas station near the repair shop, we need to visit a good memory..."
"You mean-?" Luca said as he didn't want to finish his sentence, knowing full well he knew what I was getting at...
"Yeah... The training site."
"That's miles away, we'll never reach with all of them on us!" Nick protested as we made a turn to the corner and I saw the gas station in the distance...
"Not to mention we don't know where it is since we were always taken there by plane..." Khan said as he laid back on his seat...
"Not the off-site one, the in-site one..." I replied understanding their confusing...
"Why? That one has no real value..." Lucas said...
"Don't you remember, they transported all our gear after our training was concluded for the time being..." John said as I grew a smile, knowing he remembers a lot from what our superiors told us...
"You're right! We need to head there now." Phillip chimed in as we got to the gas station and we all got out...
"Hold on first we need to do some small repairs and re-fuel, Nick see if this place has anything we can use, Luca, help me fuel the car up, I don't think the pump wants to help us here..." I said as we went our ways to help the each other...
"Agreed, but I need to test something first..." John said as he leaned on the car...
"Test what?" I said as me and Luca finally got the pump out and able to use it...
"A theory..." John replied...
"Which is?" Luca asked losing his patience...
"Let's got to the spot that we always went with our families for picnics..." John replied...
"We're trying to get weapons and all you can think is going to have a picnic on the Observatory?! En serio!?" Phillip outbursted and I agreed with him...
"No just- listen, it's serious!"
"How is going to a picnic spot important?" I asked trying to see what John wants to figure out...
"The view of the city..." he said as we all calmed down...
"True, the Observetory does have that view, alright go on..."
"You know what we just went through? The fact that those bolas de polo found us so quickly, not only that, they were targeting specific type of building..."
"What do you mean?" Khan asked confused and to be honest so were the rest of us...
"Think, what did we do before we went to Police Station?"
"We talked about a rendezvous..." I said as we began to think more...
"Yeah, and our rendezvous was a gas station near the police station..." John said...
Now John had me confused on the point he was trying to make...
"Ugh! They could have tapped into our cell's frequency..." John yelled in frustration from our "stupidity"...
The moment he said that I remembered, we said the word station, multiple times, and if they could wire tap, then we can use it to our advantage...
"What do you propose?" I said while looking at John worried...
"An trap, let's make it clear that they don't mess with our home..."
"That's what we were training for..." Khan chimed in...
"I second it!" Luca said as just completed a marathon...
"Alright hold your horses..." I said as I just took a deep breath and looked at the broken buildings...
"Sam... We need to show them, not for us, for nuestra familia..." Phillip said while putting a hand on my shoulder...
"Alright, but we can't just keep going back and forth... we need someplace to hunker down..." Phillip said...
"Where would you suggest?" Khan asked as we heard the door to the gas station's doors kicked open...
"Do not tread mis camaradas, here is the answer to all our problems!" Nick said with a smile going ear to ear...
"Did you find how to beat them?" Lucas asked mockingly, only for Nick to lose his smile and to be replaced with a annoyed look...
"What are you blabaring about?" Phillip asked curious of his excitement...
"This." Nick said as he put a map on top of the hood of car...

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