Chapter 16- Closeted Rage

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Scott's POV *50 minutes later*

Waves of anger flowed through me as Shelby lay curled up against me, wrapped in 2 winter coats and her bed cover, still shivering. She was very out of it. I could see the exhaustion all over her face. Who knows how long Shelby was buried for... it could have been hours for all I know.

Shelby seems to nuzzle her face against my chest a little, but I could tell how weak she was. I could tell she was warming up though, thanks to the three layers around her, but she was so exhausted, and I could see it.

"S...Scott..." she mumbles, struggling to speak as she was getting sleepier, and very much still shivering a bit.

"Shhhhh..." I say softly, "Don't speak, Snowflake... get some rest... I'll keep you safe... I promise".

"S-Scott... you s-should take your... coat back..." she struggles out. I shake my head, "No, you need it more than me, Shelby. I'll be fine... don't worry. Snow doesn't bother me" I tell her.

She tries to speak again, but gives up quickly afterwards and closes her eyes, snuggling more against me, and soon enough, she falls asleep as I feel her hands lightly tighten on my shirt. A way that I recognise as her not wanting me to leave.

Don't worry Shelby... I'll never leave you... but for now, I have two idiots to deal with...

Gently, I lay Shelby down, and make sure she's all cosy, before heading outside to find the two survivors who decided to play the traitor card. You'd really think that they'd know better than to mess with Shelby. Apparently not.

I head over to my cabin to grab a dagger that I had made the other day. May come in handy, you never know.

And by the way today has gone, my next targets may be fWhip and Oli, once i'm done with Sausage...

But we'll see...

I take a deep breath as I walk towards the campfire, where I see Tay and Kara scolding fWhip and Oli. I could feel every muscle in my body tremble as I got closer, anger flowing through me with every step I took.

"What in your right mind, made you two think that leaving Shelby under 8 feet of snow, was ever okay?!" Tay yells, tapping her knee in frustration.

"We were going to go back for her! It was just supposed to be a prank!" Oli says.

"Yeah, we weren't going to leave her there forever!" fWhip says.

"A prank!?" I yell as I get closer, tightening the grip on my dagger, "You think, leaving my Snowflake, in the snow, alone, for god knows how freaking long, is a fucking prank!?" I continue.

"Scott, put the knife down, there's no need for violence at the moment" Kara says softly, trying to calm me down.

"No!" I lash out, flashing my eyes full of anger at her, "Shelby could have froze to death under that snow! You all saw how much she was shaking when I got her back here!" I continue.

"Scott" Tay follows up, "Let us handle this, okay? Go see Shelby, you're shaking as well, you need to get warmed up".

I roll my eyes and grab fWhip and Oli by their hoods, dragging them off of the logs and throwing them into the snow behind me. They land with a thud, and I turn around, anger in every movement.

"If I were the traitor, you'd both be dead where you stand. But looking at you two, would make me think that you two are the traitors, if it weren't for your symbols being visible, and clearly blue. You two are crossing a line that you don't want to cross. You mess with Shelby again, and I swear to god, you'll live to regret it!" I yell, grinning darkly, "I will haunt you for the rest of your days, dead or alive. I will make sure you go to hell! I will snap those necks of yours!" I continue.

Whispers in the Dark (Project Winter AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें