He was quick to recover, barrelling into my side, and getting on top of me. I tried to headbutt him off me, succeeding after the third try. He was beside me, so I took the chance to get on top of him, my head close to his neck and paws on his chest.

I would've won.

I backed away and waited for him to get up. Both of our breathing was loud. He was slow to get to his feet, he walked slowly around me. I wanted to shrink in on myself, but I wasn't quite sure how to do that in my wolf form. I wanted to disappear.

"That was awesome!" Cedar exclaimed as he burst through the door. I scrambled away from the house, now realising how close I was to it. "You're a natural." I wanted to run, please let me run.

"Such a strange wolf too," Rosary commented. I didn't know what she was on about, and I didn't want to know. They were the only two who had left the house. We weren't allowed in the house in our wolf forms, or else I would've darted inside.

"Go to your room for now," Finn said from behind me. I jumped again ins surprise. "I think Kian would want to talk to you before patrol." My clothes were thrown at me, hitting me in the face and landing on top of my paws. "If you get out today."

I felt like a child as I got ready and went straight to my room. The very act of sending me to my room made me feel like a child who had done something wrong. I didn't know what I had done wrong, but there was a nagging feeling in my gut which made me feel uneasy.

I played with the strange concoction which seemed to be drying up. I kneaded the mixture to bring some flexibility back into it, only succeeding a little bit. So needless to say, I was not in a good mood.

I resorted to doing some stretches in the centre of my room. The bottom of my back wasn't very comfortable at the moment, feeling like something was lodged into my spine. All my muscles ached from the sudden strain which I had put them through the past few days.

A single loud knock vibrated my door, throwing me off balance. I stumbled forward, my head narrowly missing my windowsill. No voice came from the other side, telling me it was Kian. I hurried out of the room and to his office, waiting behind the door to be let in.

"I believe the knock on your door serves as a come in, don't you?" Kian said from the other side of the door. I bit back a comment and entered.

Kian was sitting behind his desk, there weren't any other sounds in the room. It surprised me, Finn was usually here. "Sit," he demanded. I took in another deep breath; he didn't usually use that tone.

"Did I do something wrong?" I slowly sat myself down in the chair. The smell of smoke became more apparent as he exhaled through his mouth. I flinched back a little bit but didn't comment.

"Not trouble necessarily." His chair squeaked and the floorboards creaked. I shuffled down in my seat. "Finn told me some interesting news. I wanted to pick your brain for what you know."

I furrowed my eyebrows and shuffled again; he was somewhere to the right of me. "What information?" I started to fidget with my fingers.

He continued to move, his footsteps led him to be behind me. "Finn said that your wolf has black fur." He spoke slowly.

I didn't know what to think of that, it was nice to know what colour my fur was, it'd help me picture it from now on, but I didn't see the importance. "Okay?" I asked. "What does that have to do with me being here?"

Kian took in a deep breath, the noise incredibly loud in the otherwise silent room. "Black wolves are nearly extinct."

I huffed and then bit my lip again. Of course, my wolf had to be something which was on the verge of dying out. It seemed almost ironic that my wolf was even more different to others. "I still don't see the importance."

In the Eyes of the WolfNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ