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"Thanks for your help, mum," Harry says, leaning against the wall.

"I'm sorry I can't stay longer, love," his mum says, cupping his cheeks. "Call me if you need anything."

"I think it will be fine," Harry says, shrugging awkwardly.

"I think so, too," his mum says softly. "He seems good to you."

"Yea," Harry says and uses the excuse of his phone beeping to avoid her gaze.

It's Zain. He has to smile automatically, especially when he opens the message and it's a picture of Laila, holding up a large jug of milk, grinning proudly. They're out of your brand is this ok? Zain's written.

Harry types a quick of course before showing the picture to his mum.

"He'll be here soon, then," his mum says, wrapping his arms around Harry. "I'm very happy for you, love."

"Thanks, mum," Harry says, squeezing her back. "Have a safe trip, okay?"

"I will. Love you, baby. Take care of yourself. And let Zain take care of you."

"I will," Harry says, kissing her cheek and letting her go. "Say hi to Robin from me."

"Mummy!" Emma calls from inside, making his mother laughs lightly.

"Off you go," she says, taking her bag. "I'll call once I'm home."

"Okay. Thank you, mum," Harry repeats, grabbing his crutch to make his way back to Emma. "Love you."

"Love you, too," she says, pulling the door closed behind her.

"Mummy, where is my colouring book," Emma says, turning up next to him.

"Have you looked on your desk?" Harry asks.

"Oh," Emma says and rushes off again.


"Hi," Zain smiles, putting the grocery bags onto the kitchen counter.

Harry tries to get up, wobbling, still struggling with finding his balance right away. He hopes he'll get used to the crutches soon and be able to move around a bit better.

"Your mum's car is gone. I thought she was staying for tea?" Zain adds, starting to unpack before Harry's even managed to grab the crutch.

"There is construction on the way, she doesn't wanna be home too late," Harry explains, leaning against the counter next to the fridge to help Zain unpack.

"Go sit down," Zain says, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist and still making his stomach swoop. "You can just tell me where things go if I don't know." He kisses Harry's cheek, leaning in and pressing his nose to Harry's cheek like he was still trying to get closer.

Harry loves the way it makes him feel.

He goes to one of the bags, pulling out a bouquet and holding it out a bit awkwardly. Harry has to smile, swallowing against the emotion in his chest. He'd rather not remember the last time he had gotten flowers. But Zain seemed earnest, a little crease between his eyes and his eye large like Laila's when she was asking for more snacks.

"Thank you," he says, taking the flowers. They were very pretty, yellows and orange blending together. They'll look nice on the kitchen table.

"You'll just have to tell me where you keep your vases," Zain grins, nose scrunched up, looking a bit relieved, like he wasn't sure how Harry would react. Harry leans forward to kiss him again, just quickly.

"Pantry, top shelf on the left," he says and watches Zain go. Maybe he could get used to not doing anything himself, the thinks, touching the petals carefully.

"What's that?" Emma asks, turning up at his elbow, Laila right at her heels. "Why do you have flowers."

"Zain brought them," Harry explains, lowering them to show them off. "We'll put the on the table for tea, won't that look pretty?"

"Yea," Emma nods, pushing her face into the bouquet and probably squishing half of them.

"Careful, love," Harry says, pulling them out of reach gently. "They'll bruise."

Zain takes them from him, putting them in the vase and going to the sink to refill them. Harry has to smile at him, like a reflex. It was so nice, having him here, like he was home not just visiting.

"Do flowers have blood?" Emma asks, pulling Laila to the drawer with their afternoon snacks pulling it open. Probably to touch everything thrice before deciding on her favourite biscuits.

"What do you mean?" Harry asks, glad Zain looks as confused as he does when they eyes meet.

"Bruise is because blood is trapped under your skin," Emma explains. "We learned in school."

"Yea," Laila agrees, nodding. "Miss explained when Tilly fell off the slides."

"Is Tilly alright?" Harry asks, taking the flowers Zain hands him again and sliding them towards the middle of the table, turning them slightly to display the loveliest part towards him, selfishly. They were his flowers, though, so he was allowed.

"Yea," Emma says unconcerned, shrugging. "But flowers don't have blood. How do they bruise?"

"It's just a way of saying they'll be damaged," Harry says, wondering if he should be wishing for a slower child. She was too clever for him half the time. "What are you two up to?"

"We're having biscuits with the dolls," Emma explains, holding up her handful of biscuits.

Harry wrinkles his nose in anticipation of the crumbs. "Take a plate, please."

"Kay," Emma shrugs, taking the plate Zain hands her and dumping the biscuits on it, almost making them slide ride off.

He watches her drag Laila out of the kitchen, already chatting again. He probably shouldn't feel as happy with a sprained ankle as he was right now, with Zain closing the last cupboard and going to wash his hands in the sink.

"Tea and biscuits for us as well," Zain asks, looking at Harry with his head tilted slightly.

"Sounds nice," Harry smiles. It feels like it should be a special day, not a random Wednesday.

He watches Zain prepare their tea and follows him to the living room. The kids are all engaged in their little games, Sophie busy chewing on one of her toys, and he can sit down and lean against Zain without feeling guilty.

"I have to go into work for a bit tomorrow morning," Zain says, his hand warm in Harry's thigh. "I thought I'd go after I drop the kids off at school. It shouldn't take more than two hours."

"Okay," Harry says, taking a sip of his tea and linking his free hand with Zain's. "You can take your time, though."

Zain shrugs, leaning in to kiss Harry's jaw. "Don't really want to," he says casually.

Harry takes a sip of his tea and tries not to smile like a maniac.

"Baba," Laila says, coming over towards them and looking at Harry curiously. "I wanna show Emma my jewellery making set."

"I'll pick it up tomorrow," Zain says easily, letting her crawl mostly onto him and steal his biscuit.

"Tomorrow is okay," Laila says as gravely as she can with her mouth full of crumbs.

"Isn't that lucky," Zain says and grins at Harry.

"Very," Harry says, too earnestly, and hides behind his tea.


update? yay?

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