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"Good morning," Zain smiles, blinking sleepily.

"Good morning," Harry answers, closing his eyes when Zain pulls him into a quick, soft kiss.

"You ready to leave?" Zain asks, pressing another kiss to Harry's cheek.

"Yea," Harry nods. "Mostly. Can you grab those bags? The blue one is snack for the trip so I'll need that in the front, the others can go in the boot. The car seats are there as well!"

"Kay," Zain nods, reaching inside to take the bags as Harry asked.

"I'll just get that kids," Harry explains, kissing Zain quickly, just because he can.

"Jamie, Emma," he calls, rushing back into the house. "Put your shoes and coats on, Laila and Zain are here!"

"Mummy!" Emma calls from upstairs as Harry picks Sophie up from her playpen, putting a hat on her and praying she wouldn't fuss too much.

"Mummy, I can't find Stone!"

"What?" Harry asks, catching Jamie as he rushes past. "Baby, where is your jumper?"

"I was hot," Jamie shrugs, trying to get past Harry.

"Put it back on, please," Harry says, turning him back towards the stairs. "It's freezing out."

"But I'm hot!" Jamie protests, stomping up the stairs.

"You can leave your jacket off for the drive," Harry says, shooing him forward. "Laila is waiting, love, and you want to see the animals, don't you?"

"Still hot," Jamie grumbles but vanishes into his room.

"What is it, Emma?" Harry asks, adjusting Sophie slightly and keeping her from pulling off her sock.

"I can't find Stone!" Emma says like she ever mentioned it before.

"Do you really need Stone at the farm, baby? There is loads of things to do and look at."

"I always take Stone," Emma argues, trying to crawl under the wardrobe.

"Where did you last have it?" Harry asks, looking around the corner when Jamie bangs his door. At least he's wearing his jumper.

"Put your shoes on and take your jacket!" Harry calls after him. "Thank you!"

"I don't know, Mummy!" Emma says, sighing heavily.

"Did you check your pockets?" Harry hazards a guess. "After you brought it home from school yesterday?"

"Oh!" Emma makes and dashes past him, downstairs. At least.

Harry allows himself an eyeroll before he follows her down the stairs, keeping Sophie from pulling of her hat.

Emma is cooing at a stone when he reaches her. He's very sure he's never seen it before so it has to be no more than a day old.

"Put your shoes on, please," Harry reminds her, doing the same as she crawls around like the shoes aren't standing at arms length from her.

He grabs his coat and kisses the hand Sophie is trying to shove up his nose, bouncing her slightly to keep her entertained.

"Your coat," Harry reminds Emma before she can run off, grabbing his keys as he follows her outside and locking the door as Emma starts chatting to Zain about her rock.

"All good?" Zain asks, watching Harry strap Sophie into her car seat, touching his back.

"Yea," Harry nods. "They used the bathroom five minutes ago but be prepared to stop in ten minutes anyways."

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