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"Good Morning," Zain says, smiling at Harry and releasing Laila who rushes past Harry with a quick Morning of her own.

"Maybe this was a bad idea," Harry worries, tilting his head to let Zain press a lingering kiss to his cheek. He loves how Zain always lingers, his palm cupping Harry's cheek, his thumb rubbing Harry's skin slightly.

"Letting Laila go?" Zain says, his breath brushing Harry's lips with how close he is. Harry tries his best to not just to not just lean into him with his mouth open like a horny teenager. "We'll get them to the car, no problem."

"I meant the beach," Harry says, shuddering slightly when Zain's fingertips brush his belly. "It's autumn, what did we think?"

"Dunno, honestly," Zain answers with a slight shrug, watching Harry with dark eyes like Harry is not the only one thinking about his hands on Harry's skin. "But too late to back out now, they're all excited."

"Yea," Harry agrees with a sigh. "Let me just double check I packed everything and then we can collect the kids and go."

Zain hums in agreement, glancing at the two bags Harry has set by the coat rack. He doesn't comment though, nothing about only going a day trip or Harry being overprepared. He doesn't even roll his eyes.

"I'm gonna start getting them ready," Zain says, squeezing Harry's arm as he walks away.

Harry watches him go for a moment, his stomach all warm and squirming, feeling like a horny teenager he has no right to be.

He checks that all the kids have at least one change of clothes, glad when he sees a bright purple bag sitting in the boot already, like Zain was also properly prepared.


"I think we should get back towards the car," Zain says, catching Harry around the waist while half leaning over the pram to check on Sophie. "It looks like it's gonna come down soon."

"Yea," Harry agrees, pulling his coat around him when a gust of wind blows past, the air cool and wet all of a sudden. "I think that's best."

"I'll get them if you pack up?" Zain asks and waist for Harry's nod before leaving. He presses a kiss to Harry's cheek before he goes, making Harry blush. He can always claim it is the wind, he thinks, bending down to throw the distracted shovels into the bottom of the pram and checking the prams rain cover. Better safe than sorry and Sophie was fast asleep.

"Baba says we have to go," Laila says, running up to Harry, her hair flying behind her.

"Yea," Harry smiles, crouching down to close her coat properly. "It's getting quite dark and cold, hm?"

"Yea," she nods. "Can we have hot chocolate?"

"I'll see what I can do," Harry says with a slight smile, squeezing her shoulder. "Come on, let's get a head start. The others are coming."

He pushes the pram back towards the wooden path they had abandoned, waving at Emma when she calls, waving her hands happily. They didn't seem put out to have to leave, skipping through the sand.

"Hi," Zain says slightly breathless from running through the sand when they catch up, stomping their feet on the planks to get rid of excess sand, the children giggling.

"Hi," Harry says, a bit breathless for a completely different reason, glad when Emma distracts him.

"Mummy, I want a snack, please."

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